
CII Karnataka ESG Summit

CII Karnataka ESG Summit
CII Karnataka ESG Summit

ESG has solidified its position as a strategic imperative and essential business engine for producing and sustaining value among both internal and external stakeholders. Karnataka, which is at the vanguard of Asia's future-tech industry, is dedicated to supporting equitable and sustainable growth.

In line with the global trend toward Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) regulations, the government has emerged as a prominent supporter of ethical corporate practices. The Summit will bring together CEOs, CXOs, Policymakers, Think Tanks, Financial Institutions, Academia, Technopreneurs, and Startups to address the pressing need to speed the transition to a more sustainable, inclusive, and carbon-neutral future.

Decarbonizing industries, encouraging renewable energy, water and waste management, stimulating green innovation, sustainable financing and procurement, and GRI and BRSR reporting will all be covered in summit sessions.

For Other Details, Please Contact:

Event Name: CII Karnataka ESG Summit
Date: 19 January 2024

Krishi Jagran

Mobile: 9953756433, 9818838998

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