
Conclave on Sustainable Waste Management

Conclave on Sustainable Waste Management
Conclave on Sustainable Waste Management

The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), in its efforts to promote the concept of circular economy for improved waste management, has been trying to promote better waste management policies and practices that integrate environmental and human health protection.

To further these efforts, the CII in Madhya Pradesh is hosting the first edition of the Conclave on Sustainable Waste Management on January 19, 2024 at the Brilliant Convention Centre in Indore.

The conclave will feature thought-provoking keynote speakers, panel discussions, presentations, and case studies emphasizing successful models and best practices in sustainable waste management and the adoption of the circular economy. The event provides an ideal opportunity for industry leaders, government officials, and other stakeholders committed to creating good change in waste management practices to network and collaborate.

Key Highlights:

  1. Sustainable Waste Management

  2. Concept of Circular Economy and Promoting across Industries

  3. Government Initiatives

  4. Technological Adoption

For Other Details, Please Contact:

Event Name: Conclave on Sustainable Waste Management
Date: 19 January 2024

Krishi Jagran

Mobile: 9953756433, 9818838998

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