About CAFT - Centre for Advanced and Faculty Training
Growing awareness of health and environmental issues related with the intensive use of chemical inputs has led to interest in alternate forms of agriculture in the world. After modest beginnings in the early 20th century, since the 1980s organic agriculture has gained increasing scientific and consumer recognition. Organic agriculture is one among the broad spectrum of production methods that are supportive of the environment. A key feature of organic agriculture is that they are, by necessity, very dependent on soil biological fertility, which in turn influences aspects of chemical and physical fertility. Particular emphasis is placed on creating a diverse microbial community to maximize nutrient use efficiency from poorly soluble fertilizers and promote beneficial soil physical and chemical processes. Understanding the ecological processes that drive productivity and environmental impact through soil biology, vegetation dynamics, pest population dynamics, and disease epidemiology are keys to improved organic systems. Values of animal welfare, biodiversity and livelihood are also an integral feature of organic farming. Organic agriculture thus, offers a foresighted sustainable farming system with a viable link between soil quality, long-term soil productivity and environmental quality as resources for future generations.
Subjects to be covered
An overview of organic agriculture
Management of soil fertility in organic agriculture
Crop agronomy in organic agriculture
Organic plant breeding and seed production
Organic production of horticultural crops
Crop protection in organic agriculture
Organic standards and certification
Issues of soil quality and sustainability in organic agriculture
Date and Venue
06 to 26 February 2019, Assam Agricultural University (AAU), Jorhat, ASSAM
The CAFT is designed for the teachers/ scientists in State Agricultural Universities/ICAR Institutes in the rank of Scientists/ Assistant Professor or above in the subject of Agronomy / Soil Science/ Plant Pathology/ Entomology/ Agricultural Microbiology/Nematology/ or any other related disciplines.
How to apply
As per ICAR instructions, the interested candidates should apply online by registering at CBP portal (http://cbp.icar.gov.in) through “Capacity Building Programme” latest by 30.11.2018. Printout of online submitted form duly signed and recommended by the competent authority of SAU/ICAR Institute should be sent to the Course Director of CAFT through proper channel. Applicants may send an advance copy in anticipation of delay in forwarding through proper channel. The list of selected candidates will be displayed in the ICAR portal and Assam Agricultural University website (www.aau.ac.in) and will also be conveyed to the applicants only through e-mail. Only 25 participants shall be selected for the course. The Course Director or Course Coordinators may be contacted for any query. Kindly see the web links provided for online submission of applications.
Important dates
Last date of receipt of application: 30.11.2018
Intimation of selection: 08.12.2018
Confirmation of participants by candidates: 15.12.2018
How to reach AAU
Assam Agricultural University is located at Jorhat and well connected by road, air and rail networks. The university is at a distance of 5 km from Inter-State Bus Terminus (ISBT), Jorhat; 6 km from Jorhat Town and Railway Station and 2 km from Jorhat Airport. Mariani railway station is 22 km from AAU, Jorhat. Jorhat is connected through direct trains and flight service from different parts of the country. Regular bus, train and flight services are available from Guwahati, 300 km away from Jorhat.
Travel and Accommodation
The participants will be paid travel fare to and fro, through the shortest route and restricted to AC-III-tier train fare or bus. Facilities for boarding and lodging will be made available for the participants free of cost at AAU- Guest House. TA will be paid on production of tickets by the participants. Participants are requested to bring woolen cloths as the normal maximum and minimum temperatures during February are from 20oC and 100C respectively.
For more details contact
1. R.M.Karmakar, Professor & Head
Email: rmkarmakar014@gmail.com,
M: 094350950142
2. Dr. Dhruba Jyoti Nath, Principal Scientist
Email: ndhrubajyoti@yahoo.co.in
M: 09435738912,099546190283
3. Dr. Rajen Baruah, Professor
M: 9954455332; 7002041513