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Get 50% to 80% Subsidy on Agriculture Machinery; Apply before 7th September

Good News for Farmers. Haryana Government is providing 50% to 80% subsidy on the purchase of various agricultural machines under the Crop Residue Management Scheme.

Sugandh Bhatnagar
Agriculture Machinery
Agriculture Machinery

Good News for Farmers. Haryana Government is providing 50% to 80% subsidy on the purchase of various agricultural machines under the Crop Residue Management Scheme. Farmers willing to apply for this subsidy can register online on the portal of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Department till September 7. 

Subsidy Available on These Machines: 

Under Crop Residue Management Scheme, various agricultural machines and machines like Custom Hiring Center, Belig Machine, Straw Baler, Super SMS, Happy Seeder, Rotary Slasher, Shrew Master, Paddy Straw Chopper, Mulcher, Rotary Slasher, Reversible MB Plow, Super Grant will be given for seeder, zero till, seed drill, tractor driven and automatic crop reaper cum binder equipments. 

Subsidy Details: 

  • Under the Crop Residue Management Scheme, it is mandatory for the farmers of the state to register on the Meri Fasal-Mera Byora portal to be eligible for the subsidy. 

  • The farmers who have taken grant on any agricultural machinery in the last two years will not be eligible to apply for that machine under this scheme. Apart from this, a farmer can take only a maximum of three different types of agricultural machines.

  • To apply online, the farmer will have to deposit the token amount of 2500 and 5000 rupees according to the grant amount of different agricultural machines online. 

  • A minimum of three and a maximum of five machines can be taken in this category.

  • Apart from this, those Custom Hiring Centers who have already availed the grant will not be eligible to apply.

  • As per the guidelines of the scheme, priority will be given to the villages of Red Zone and Yellow Zone in setting up of Custom Hiring Centers.

  • Under the scheme, if more applications are received than the target, the beneficiary will be selected through online draw.

  • The entire process for giving grant under the scheme will be conducted by the District Level Committee, which will be chaired by the DC.

Documents required for subsidy 

  • Applicant's aadhar card 

  • Copy of Registration on Meri Fasal-Mera Byora Portal 

  • Pan card

  • First page copy of bank pass book

  • Tractor RC

  • Documents required for land information Patwari report

  • It is mandatory for a Scheduled Caste farmer to have a caste certificate. 

Physical Verification of the Machine Purchased  

All these documents mentioned above will have to be kept ready at the time of physical verification of the purchased machine. Suitable documents will have to be submitted in the office of the Assistant Agricultural Engineer of the district, so that eligibility can be ensured. If any discrepancy is found in the document, then the farmer will not be eligible for grant. 

How to apply? 

  • First of all you have to go to the official website of Haryana Agriculture Department https://www.agriharyanacrm.com/.

  • Now the home page will open in front of you.

  • After this you have to click on the link to apply for getting subsidy under CRM scheme during the year 2020-21.

  • Now a new page will open in which you have to select the scheme.

  • As soon as you select the scheme you will have to click on the Proceed to Apply button.

  • After this the application form will open in front of you.

  • You have to fill all the important information asked in the application form like your district, block, name, adhaarcard number, mobile number etc and click on submit button. 

  • Your application process will be completed as soon as you click on the submit button.

For more information regarding the scheme, farmers can contact or on the state toll free number 1800-180-1551 or Log on to website - www.agriharyana.gov.in. 

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