The stubble left back by rice crops are burnt down to prepare fields for the sowing of wheat quickly. This is estimated to be a massive contributor to the smog that covers the capital city during winters.
Happy Seeder the machine developed by Punjab Agriculture University can be a major breakthrough for this burning cause of air pollution which has caused havoc nowadays. The problem of stubble burning is been a radical problem since few years in Delhi. Happy seeder has proved it to be the solution but it has been found after research based study by Borlaug Institute for South Asia that the combination of Happy Seeder with SMS ( Straw Management System ) for Rice- wheat farming can be a solution to the problem.

Senior Scientist from BISA, Dr. M L Jat has told that the combination of Happy seeder and SMS can be a win-win for farmers and the environment as it does way with stubble burning while promoting farmer’s profitability and supporting climate smart agriculture. The results are advantageous with lower chemical load on soil, more crop per drop, better soil health, reduction in crop soil health, less weeds and sturdier plants with deeper roots.
It’s the story of Manoj Kumar Munjial, as told to TOI,who hasn’t set fire to his field since past two years. His farm is spread in 45 acres in Taraori in Karnal district in Haryana . Instead the straw is been not uprooted but act as a fertilizer for the farm, enriching the soil, conserving water, nourishing new plants and in turn replenishing the fertility of soil. Munjial is one of the growing tribe of farmers in Punjab who are using straw from paddy field for benefit for greener agriculture.
Dr. Mahal said Happy Seeder after the operation of Super Straw Management System developed by the PAU was a game changer for in-situ management of residue in the field. He also presented an overview of the efforts of research system in developing effective technologies and their regular improvement.
This machine, mounted on tractors, cuts and lifts the straw, sows seeds in the soil and places the lifted straw on top of it. The use of Happy Seeders has increased four times, as compared to last year.
Since happy seeders and SMS leaves the straw in field instead of burning which actually leads to the destruction of important micronutrients required for the soil and growth of plants. This machine not only avoid air pollution but makes the soil more fertile and greener for the next crop.
So..what’s waiting for! Go have your own for a better and greener earth.