People infected with COVID-19 have a wide range of symptoms - ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the coronavirus. The 2nd wave of the coronavirus pandemic is deadlier than the first one. There is a surge in the daily reported cases, which is making the situation tense. Chest Pain is now commonly reported symptom of COVID- 19.
Chest Pain, Signs and Symptoms to Check:
With every passing day, the number of symptoms related to the lethal mutant strains of coronavirus seem to be increasing. This 2nd wave of infections has also changed the manner in which symptoms progress, which is making COVID positive patients a lot more sick in the very beginning.
One such fatal symptom being chest pain. It may not be the main symptom of COVID-19, but the intensity could be debilitating enough and require help. Chest pain is now a reported symptom amongst COVID positive patients suffering from even mild infections. However, it is a common indicator of your overall respiratory health, chest pain when you are suffering from coronavirus can increase due to multiple factors.
Why does COVID-19 cause chest pain?
Experiencing a sort of discomfort in the chest or pain in the chest may not be a standalone sole COVID symptom but mostly occurs resultant of present symptoms.
As for the intensity and type of pain is concerned one can experience, it can feel very sharp, tender, cause soreness or get worsened by the movement, or in cases, even breathing. That’s why, it is important to remember that chest pain caused by coronavirus is likely resultant of upper respiratory tract infections, and never occurs alone.
Check if You are violently coughing:
However, dry cough is the most common symptom in almost all coronavirus cases, a COVID cough can affect a person seriously. Apart from the persistence and intense, severe bouts of coughing can also result in chest pain. Violently coughing does not only decrease breathing, it can also cause breakdown and tear of muscles near the ribs and chest cavities, causing acute pain and discomfort.
Suffering from COVID Pneumonia:
COVID pneumonia can be a more serious COVID complication that demands immediate attention. Pneumonia is a complication that starts due to inflammation in the air sacs present inside the lungs. This complication can lead to fluid buildup inside the cavity which then fuels symptoms. Debilitating chest pain, which could get intense at bed- time can be a sign to check for.
Inflamed Lungs:
During the second wave of infections, incidents of lung infection are now rising with over 30% of cases suffering from some form of infection or impairment in pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic stages of infection. A slight bout of inflammation alone can cause pain and discomfort in the chest cavities. A CT-Scan and chest X- Ray is advised to determine the level of lung involvement in such cases.
COVID-19 is spreading through your blood:
By now we do know completely about the fatal impacts of the SARS-COV-2 virus on the body. When COVID-19 virus continues to spread through the bloodstream, it can cause pulmonary embolism, which happens when a blood clot breaks and spreads to the lungs, causing severe pain and in some cases, even restricts blood flow to the lungs.