Tomatoes, a member of the nightshade family 'Solanaceae,' are an integral part of many delicious recipes that we all enjoy. This soft and juicy berry, which is technically a fruit, is known to enhance the flavor of any delicacy and is an essential part of the culinary world. Every cuisine is incomplete without ripe and mushy tomatoes, from salads to soups, sauces to curries. However, if you consume too much of this tangy red fruit, it might be harmful to your health.
Due to its acidic nature, this luscious vegetable can cause a variety of health problems. Tomato leaves, as well as vegetables, can be incredibly risky if taken in large quantities. If you are a tomato fanatic, these side effects may serve as a wake-up call and encourage you to remove tomatoes from your diet. Continue reading to learn more.
Acid Reflux
Remember that annoying feeling in your stomach that gave you heartburn? It's all because of this squishy little item! Tomatoes, which are high in acidic compounds like malic and citric acid, can cause major acid reflux in your system if consumed in excess. The acidic components of the tomatoes cause the release of extra gastric acid in the stomach once the digestive process begins. As a result, the extra acid flows up the food pipe, creating discomfort and heartburn. As a result, if you want to avoid that irritating feeling in your chest, limit your tomato consumption.
If you find yourself feeling bloated after a meal, blame it on the tangy tomatoes. Tomatoes can cause unpleasant bowel motions, which can lead to bloating, due to their indigestible skin and seeds. Tomatoes are one of the most widely accepted causes of digestive troubles, and it is advisable to avoid eating them in large numbers.
Risk of Prostate Cancer
Overconsumption of tomatoes in men can result in an increase in lycopene production in the body. Overconsumption of this juicy vegetable may cause pain and trouble passing urine, causing damage to the prostate gland and the development of prostate cancer.
Severe Allergies
Histamine, a complex chemical found in tomatoes, is responsible for the severe allergic reactions that occur shortly after eating. Coughing, sneezing, eczema, hives, skin reactions, throat irritation, swelling of the face, lips, and tongues are just a few of the allergic symptoms that can occur after eating this red fruit. Once you've realized this, it's advisable to stay away from tomatoes entirely to avoid these serious health problems.
Kidney Stones
Excessive consumption of tomatoes, which are high in calcium and oxalate, can lead to a buildup of these nutrients in the body. The problem with this build-up is that it is difficult to break down and flush out of our bodies. Excessive deposition of these components can lead to kidney stones, which can be dangerous to one's health. So limit your intake of this delicious vegetable to avoid dangerous kidney stones.
Tomatoes are prone to making your stomach churn due to their high acidic and fatty content. For people who have tomato intolerance, this could cause diarrhea. Excessive eating of a component found in tomatoes called 'Salmonella' can cause an unsettled stomach and frequent trips to the toilet.