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How to Use Microgreens in Indian Recipes? Children Will Eat Them Delightfully

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Shipra Singh

One of my friends has a couple of stubborn children who refuse to eat greens. They love their pizzas, chips, and cakes. No matter what she cooks, her children refuse to eat. They just don’t like “ghar ka khana” and are more into eating street foods.  

However, lately, she has been beaming more and complaining less about the fuss her children make. I asked her the secret of her happiness and she shrieked in delight, “microgreens!”  

I had heard a lot about them. Finally, they have arrived in household kitchens. Indian mothers are discovering the wonderful benefits of microgeens. The best part is: children love to eat recipes containing microgreens.  

A little creativity and loads of nutrition – this is what you get from this green and tiny superfoods. 

Do you know microgreens were the fad of the 1980’s in the Western cuisine where they were used in soups and salads?

They imparted a delectable freshness to the recipes and were loved by all. 

Indians, since long, eat their humble “palaks” and “methis.” Our “sarson ka saag” is a well-known savory recipe. However, it is a herculean task to make the children eat leafy greens. So why not use microgreens? 

Here are a few examples from my friend’s kitchen. She uses microgreens in her recipes delectably.  

Microgreen Egg Sandwich 

While beating an egg to make an omelet, throw in a few microgreens to the egg mixture and make a green omelet. Or you could make a simple omelet and make a sandwich. Before closing the sandwich, placed a few microgreens, along with chopped onions and tomatoes to make for a crunchy sandwich.  

Microgreens in Raita 

Bathua raita is well-known. Why not try microgreen raita? Make raita as you usually do. Add microgreens, either chopped finely or as whole. This makes your raita crunchy, adds a certain freshness to it, and makes your raita recipe more presentable too. 

Microgreens in pizza, rolls, and rice 

Do your children love pizzas and reject the rotis and rice? Well, power pack your pizza with nutrition by adding microgreens as one of the toppings. You can add microgreens in the dough you knead for rotis. Make microgreen rotis. Add microgreens while boiling plain rice.  

These are only a few examples of how my friend uses microgreens in her kitchen. Her children relish “ghar ka khana” now.  

How about giving your plain dal a perk by cooking it with microgreen? And, the next time you make chicken at home, garnish it with microgreens like mustard greens. 

You can also add these tiny leafy greens in your homemade tomato soup or blend it in your normal vegetable juice or smoothie. Use it as per your taste.  

The marvelous thing about microgreens is that you need not visit the supermarket to buy them. You can easily grow them at home. Cut them fresh and use them in your recipe anytime.  

Do you have more microgreen recipe ideas? If yes do share with us through the comment box given below.

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