Butterfly Pea flower (known as Aparajita in India), is a wildflower commonly found in Indian gardens. This flower is known for its beautiful color and butterfly-like attractive shape.
Apart from this, the earthy flavor of the butterfly pea flower makes it a great brew and thus many people love to drink the herbal tea prepared from these flowers. This tea is said to be a mood enhancer and has stress-busting effects. It also refreshes the mind and boosts energy.
You can prepare this magical blue tea in two shades, indigo-blue hot tea, and purple-pink ice tea.
How to Prepare the Magical Indigo-Blue Hot Tea with Aparajita flowers?
To make this caffeine-free herbal tea, you will require the following ingredients-
Butterfly Pea loose flowers (4-5)
Filtered water
A Pot & Strainer
Glass mug
How to Prepare?
Boil the filtered water
Add flowers when the water starts boiling
Boil at low flame for around 5-6 min
Pour into the mug & Enjoy the delicious earthy herbal tea

How to Prepare Purple-Pink Ice Tea with Aparajita flowers?
To make this ice tea, you will require the following ingredients-
Butterfly Pea loose flowers (4-5)
Filtered water
Granulated Sugar
A Pot & Strainer
Glass mug
Ice (2-3 cubes)
Soda water (Optional)
Lemon Sprigs & mint leaves (for Garnish)
How to Prepare?
Make the butterfly pea flower herbal teas as mentioned in the previous recipe, but more concentrated (with less water) & then follow the below-mentioned process.
Add sugar & lemon juice
Put 3-4 sugar cubes in the glass mug
Pour the prepared tea on the ice cubes
Add soda water
Garnish with lemon sprigs and mint leaves & enjoy the Purple-Pink ice tea
You can also add other ingredients like honey, ginger, mint in both teas as per your taste. And you can also use dried flowers if you don’t have fresh butterfly pea flowers.
Note - There aren’t any known side effects of this tea, but over-consumption of anything can be harmful.