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Side Effects of Beetroot: Who Shouldn’t Eat It

Beet root is a healthy root vegetable. You can eat beetroot as a vegetable or as a salad. We can get a sufficient amount of magnesium, sodium, potassium, vitamin C and betaine from beetroot. It is also a rich source of antioxidants.

Shikha Parewa

Beet root is a healthy root vegetable. You can eat beetroot as a vegetable or as a salad. We can get a sufficient amount of magnesium, sodium, potassium, vitamin C and betaine from beetroot. It is also a rich source of antioxidants.

Juice of beetroot is very effective in thrombophlebitis, as the optimal amount of sodium and calcium in it removes excess calcium from the body that deposits on the walls of blood vessels. Its juice boosts physical activity and this is the reason that it is generally consumed by athletes.  We have discussed benefits of beetroot in short but we should also be aware of its side effects. In this article we are going to give a glance over other side of the coin.  

Side effects of beetroot:

Dangerous for low blood pressure patient: 

While this is beneficial for people with high blood pressure, this cannot be said for people with low blood pressure. Ingredients, present in beetroot is curable for those who are suffering from high blood pressure. Its consumption can be quite harmful for low blood pressure.  Therefore, it is recommended to avoid consumption of beetroot in your daily diet if you have been diagnosed with low blood pressure problems. 

Stone in kidney:

Unless you have had a kidney stone, you may not be in any danger. However, if you are susceptible to kidney stones containing oxalate, beets, beet greens, and beetroot powder may be a problem. They can promote the formation of kidney stones in people who are highly sensitive to oxalate. 

Allergic reaction of beetroot: 

 We know that beetroot juice is very good source of nutrients, including minerals, antioxidants, vitamins, antioxidants, phytonutrients, polyphenols and other dietary fiber but these nutrients can be allergic for some people. Some common allergic reactions from beetroot are skin rashes, hives, itching, chills, and even fever.  

For some people, eating bit juice makes the vocal cords contract and makes it harder to swallow. Therefore, if you are allergic to bit roots, it is advisable not to take any form of bit roots. 

Consumption of beetroot in pregnancy: 

It is true that presence of folic acid in beetroot aids in brain development in the fetus and reduce the existence of neural tube defects such asspina bifida. But if you are not taking it in right amount then it can cause danger during the period of pregnancy. It is recommended that the consumption of beetroot must be under guidance of doctor. 


Although, beetroots are rich in oxalate, which contributes to the excessive acid formation of our body but too much uric acid is dangerous to us as it creates ventilation with common symptom such as severe joint pain, glowing red joints and high fever. 

Can be harmful for liver:  

We have already discussed that beetroot is rich source of iron, magnesium, copper and phosphorus, which is a good part but the danger is that these are all metals, and excessive intake of them can result in accumulation in between. This can damage the overlooked pancreas. 


Consumption of beetroot is very beneficial for those people who have low iron levels and high blood pressure. However, anyone who is pregnant or trying to become pregnant with low blood pressure, low calcium and high iron ore in the body should consult a doctor before adding beetroot juice to their diet. 

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