Since our childhood, we have been listening to our elders telling us to eat leafy green vegetables as they offer numerous health benefits. The inclusion of green vegetables in your diet is said to be extremely beneficial.
Kale, spinach, lettuce, cabbage, watercress, and fenugreek are some examples of leafy green vegetables that you can start eating anytime. In this article, we will be comparing two of these leafy greens i.e. Spinach and Fenugreek.
Spinach is a flowering plant, which is leafy and green extensively grown in India. Spinach belongs to the family of Amaranthaceae. The leaves of spinach are edible and are consumed raw or cooked. They can also be stored and consumed after being dehydrated.
Nutritional Profile of Spinach
Spinach is considered one of the best foods in terms of nutrition. It is also called Superfood. Spinach is full of nutrients. It has a high content of antioxidants, which helps the body to prevent oxidative stress and damage. The high amount of antioxidants in spinach also helps in the prevention of cancer and, it also maintains eye health. Spinach has insoluble fiber, which helps in boosting overall health and prevents constipation. It also has various vitamins, such as Vitamin A, K, C, and K1. Minerals are also present in it such as iron and calcium.
Fenugreek belongs to the family of Fabaceae. It is commonly known as Methi. It has small obovate leaves. It is cultivated all across the globe as a semi-arid crop. It is widely eaten in Indian sub-continents. It is used as a herb in most Indian Households. Some cuisines also include fenugreek leaves as an ingredient.
Nutritional Profile of Fenugreek
The calorie content of fenugreek is low. About one cup of fenugreek leaves you with only 13 calories. It can be a great diet food option, as it makes you feel fuller for long durations. Fenugreek is enriched with Vitamin C, which is an effective antioxidant. Vitamin C helps the body fight against common diseases and also boosts immunity. Vitamin K is also found in fenugreek, which maintains bone health. Fenugreek is also beneficial in maintaining blood-sugar levels and is also good for your Gastrointestinal-tract.
Conclusion: Which one is Better?
Both of these green leafy vegetables have excellent nutritional profiles. They must be included in your diet. They both are loaded with vitamins and minerals and also boost the immune system's health. Regular intake of both of these can help you lead a healthy lifestyle. Most importantly, always consume these vegetables when they are in season and are fresh.