Our Indian soil is a storehouse of flowers rich in many medicinal properties. Most of us have a laid-back attitude when it comes to painting a picture of flowers. Many of the flowers we see daily in our collections, on the ridges of the fields, and along the roads are of amazing value to us.
As such, the Acmella oleracea is a symbol of rural culture. The plant is also known by many names such as toothache plant, para cress, Sichuan buttons, buzz buttons, ting flowers, and electric daisies.
Although you can see Acmella oleracea all over India, this beauty is not our native. This plant came to our country from the Mediterranean countries. The plant is found all over India in many names.
It is also known as 'Akar Kara' in North India and ‘Akkikaruka, in South India There is more than one variety of this plant. The biggest feature of the plant is the yellow flowers which look like buds. If we chew this flower, we will not only feel a kind of tingling in our mouth.
The plant is also known in Sanskrit as Danturi, Pashumohika, Haritamanjari, and Katvavi. This herb is commonly used as a remedy for toothache in our rural areas.
Its scientific name is 'Acmella oleracea'. Spoilanthol is a fatty acid amide that is extracted from this plant. This particular component of the plant is responsible for the feeling of numbness experienced when eating this plant.
In other countries, this flower is also known as Spilanthus, Electric Daisy, and Bus Button. If the root of this plant is crushed under the aching tooth, the toothache will go away quickly. Even if you just put the flower and leaf of this plant in your mouth and chew it, it is better to put all this in water and rub it on your cheeks to reduce bad breath.
It is also used as toothpaste. It is a remedy for mouth sores and for ailments such as heartburn and mouth ulcers. Applying this plant to the forehead will relieve the headache.
Sniffing up to four drops of Acmella oleracea's in each nostril can relieve headaches and migraines. If we have a wound on any part of our body, if we rub its leaves, the wound will heal quickly. The plant's Spilanthol (C14 H23 NO) is very good for reducing inflammation and cell regeneration. It also increases the number of white blood cells and gives us immunity.
It is good for nail fungus as it has high antiseptic properties. For erectile dysfunction, it is best to boil the flower of this plant in milk and serve it for 21 days. Roots can be used instead of flowers.
It is better to take 500 ml of root powder in milk. Infusion of the root of this plant can cure muscle pain. If you crush the root of Acmella oleracea with honey and serve it, you will get rid of hiccough as well as epilepsy.
The most effective way to treat chest pain and high heart rate are to take a tincture of this flower and its bark. To treat epilepsy in adults, it is recommended to take 5 g each of powdered plant in tomato juice mixed with water on an empty stomach in the morning.
A sore throat can be relieved by crushing the powder or flower of Akikaruka root and adding it to water. It is also good for tonsillitis. To reduce the fatigue caused by mineral depletion, it is advisable to mix this powder, asparagus and groundnut twice daily in cow's milk.