Today, 16th October is ‘World Food Day’, a day internationally declared to celebrate the most important things to live and moreover which make us a living being. Although it sounds like a normal day, it has much more to focus, analyze and enhance knowledge on the most important thing for which we are surviving. “Food”, being an indispensable part of our life has come with two sides, while the right foods allow your body to breathe and enhance and wrong foods lead you near to death and make your life similar to hell. So it’s really important to recognize the right foods and the right way and right time to have it.
Moreover, “World Food Day” is celebrated by several organizations related to food security like the International Fund for Agricultural Development, World Food Program, etc. to create awareness among people across the globe. The day generates awareness globally for those who suffer from hunger and to ensure the need for food security and nutritious diets for all. The main focus of this day is that food is a basic and fundamental human right. On this occasion, let’s not forget about the sweat and blood of our farmers who produce food for us to survive and live our life.
The theme of World Food Day 2019 is “Our Actions Are Our Future. Healthy Diets for#ZeroHunger World". Let’s know its brief history followed by some of the healthy diets for a disease-free and healthy body for a healthy future.

World Food Day: History
The member countries of the Food and Agriculture Organisation established World Food Day in November 1979 at the organization's 20th General Conference and called for the observance of World Food Day on 16 October 1981. This decision was ratified by the UN General Assembly on 5 December 1980 and urged governments and international, national and local organizations to contribute to celebrating World Food Day. Since 1981, World Food Day has been held every year.
Raw or Cooked: Reasons to East Raw Vegetable
As we all know, some foods/vegetables are good after cooked while some are best while eating raw. You can get the most nutrients in a raw condition while it destroys most of the important properties after boil/fried. Eating the phytonutrients found in plant foods has been associated with reduced risks of certain chronic diseases, such as heart disease and stroke, cancer and age-related eye disease. Many of these beneficial compounds can be destroyed by heating and many types of food processing.
According to a study published in 2008 in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, raw broccoli contains three times the amount of the cancer-fighting compound sulforaphane which can be totally destroyed if you heat or boil it in water.

2. Onions-
While cooked onions have plenty of health benefits, raw onions contain antiplatelet agents, which protect against heart disease.
3. Garlic —
Raw garlic contains special sulfur compounds that have an anticarcinogenic which also known to have an anti-cancer effect. A 2001 study published in The Journal of Nutrition found that cooking can destroy these sulfur compounds
4. Bell Peppers —
You all love bell pepper right?? But you should know that it’s better to eat them raw. A 2009 study published in the Journal of Food Science found that bell peppers lost up to 75% of their antioxidants when cooked