The Indian Central Insecticides Board and Registration Committee (CIBRC) approved 9 registrations of pesticide technical at the meeting of the Registration Committee on September 28, 2017, including 5 herbicides, 2 insecticides,1 fungicide and 1 acaricide.
The registration for manufacture or import of pesticide falls under the provisions of the Insecticide Act. The certificate of Registration is also a requirement by the companies/firms exporting pesticides because importing countries usually require this document to ensure that the pesticide proposed for import is legally permitted for manufacture/import in the country of export.
The technicals which are included in the list are : Indosulfuron-methyl-sodium, Amitrole , Chlorthal-dimethyl, Flazasulfuron etc. As the provision of the act, the registration for manufacture or import of pesticides has to be granted after satisfying the efficacy of the product and its safety to human health and environment . However, considering the fact that the pesticide is exclusively for export, not going to be used in our country, no bio efficacy information/data is asked from the applicant, but in order to ensure the identity of the product and prima facia its safety mainly w.r.t the workers involved in various activities of manufacture including repacking, transport etc, minimum information on chemistry and on toxicity is being asked so that the basic information about the pesticide to be manufactured/imported in our country for the purpose of export is available and prima facia its safety is accessed.

Accordingly, precautions can be advised for safety of workers and environment . This is necessary for the government in order to take precautions to avoid any disaster as happened in Bhopal and to act immediately in case of any untoward incidence happen.