Biotrends is a green technology company based on products from Plant origin, committed to improving the productivity and sustainability of modern agriculture. Biotrends range of SmartGenX products helps farmers to practise profitable agriculture by providing increased crop productivity, improved efficiency of conventional fertilizer, and a reduced environmental footprint.
We plan to be certified as organic and based on Biotrends proprietary technology, the SmartGenX products provide benefits by strengthening the soil-based microbial ecosystem, stimulating crop development at key points in the growth cycle, and boosting natural plant resistance to pathogens and threats. With solutions for a variety of crop categories, the technology comprising the SmartGenX products has demonstrated its value in third-party trials in key agricultural regions worldwide. Biotrends is now investing heavily in development Bio Ag and Bio Pesticides and shall soon make available products suited for Seed treatment, Pre- and Post-Harvest Technology, as Fungicide and Insecticide form its robust stable and pipeline.
Our product line is based on proprietary plant-based technology (Aloe Vera) do not use any heat, reactions, and is practically Carbon Neutral, designed to support the Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture.
Biotrends is a biotechnological company, which is a Global start-up, with operations initiated in approximately 4 countries across the globe already. We are in an active phase of expansion across the globe and specifically in Eastern Europe and Asia Pacific region. Biotrends as a company believes in innovation from plant-based technology. Hence, we draw inspirations from today’s challenges to provide innovation for tomorrow. We are utilizing complex fermentation technology which is proprietary in nature. We have innovative products, and we draw or innovate using science-based on metagenomic technology and therefore as a company, we are committed to better life & environment

As per the UN, as reported by Reuters in Scientific American, December 5th, 2014, we have only 60 years of Agriculture left in this world. To add to this challenge, 2/3rd of the land used for agriculture will no longer be arable by 2050, the soil erosion is left to continue the way it is today. That will have a huge impact on agriculture productivity. The recent estimates claims, the global population is expected to rise to nearly 10 billion people by 2050, and global food demand could rise by 56 per cent during that period.
So, we have a situation of less land suitable for cultivation and a challenge of feeding more mouths, which calls for a paradigm shift in how we look at food production, introducing more Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture.
Moreover, after the recent pandemic of COVID19, the world would look for safer & greener methods to cultivate crops, Biotrends provides the solution with it is safe and green plant-based products which will help in the Sustainable Agriculture.
The present Agriculture methods and inputs have added to the crisis of food production and agriculture Globally. This has resulted in the challenge of only 60 years of present Agriculture if we do not change our ways of cultivation and package of practice.
One of the ways forward is the use of more biological and green agriculture in this world, which is sustainable and will have the capacity to feed the increasing population without affecting the degradation of Soil.
Plant-based Organic agriculture is one such option, of the many, which will help in the Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture, reduce carbon footprints, and enable farmers to contribute to a safer food into the food chain.
We need to realize the biologicals are the future of modern agriculture. Biologicals, esp. Biofertilizers has the ability to reclaim the soil status. Improve the quality of soil and thereby supporting Sustainable Agriculture.
Biologicals have a great future in World Agriculture. The synergy is when we use Biological prudently as part of classical agricultural practice. Hence Biological is here to stay. It is inclusive of classical agriculture and should not be treated as stand-alone.
The concept of organic Agriculture is in the nascent stage in India. So, while we have the first-movers advantage in Indian Markets, one of the major challenge which Biotrends will face is to promote the concept, establish the benefits and bring about the paradigm shift that's desperately required, before we are too late. Hence, we shall need more expense in the form of feet-on-street (more employment generation) to promote the concept at the grassroots farming level of rural India. We in Biotrends feel the development of the concept will be the major challenge, but not risk, as the team can do it and has done it in the past.
The benefactor for Agriculture is everyone. Everyone who has hunger, who needs to eat. For organic Agriculture is far more important as each one of us, needs clean water to drink and fresh, healthy, and uncontaminated fruits, veggies, and cereals to eat. so, it is difficult to directly ascertain the primary beneficiary.
We at Biotrends feels that Farmer is one of the main beneficiaries of our products. He now has safe farm inputs to use, practices Sustainable Agriculture, hence he has fertile soil and certainly not contributing to any pollution. offering clean and safe products to his consumers. Most importantly, he now has reason to leave behind a fertile piece of land to his children and grandchildren, who otherwise would have inherited a degraded marginal land.
The next major beneficiary would be the Consumer, who will not have access to clean organic food, which is free of chemicals and residue, contributing to a greener and healthier world.
We all need food. We all need to eat to survive. We need clean water and residue-free food, whatever we may be, a doctor or a Financial Sector person or Banker or a common citizen Food is the single most important need of human beings. What we need is sustainable agriculture now, else there will not be any agriculture after 60 years. So, Biotrends products have the potential to touch the lives of all the human beings in India first, then globally.
We need food security, which is presently being challenged globally. We have a growing population and degrading farmlands. Biotrends technology is a small step towards the Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture, which ensures sustained farmland and food to the entire humanity. The products will also contribute to lowering pollution of the environment and drinking water, which is in accordance with our present Government focus on Jaivik kheti. This revolution, which begins in India, will be taken to the entire Globe as we grow.
The most important aspect which drives an organization is people. We in Biotrends are extremely blessed to have a bunch of extremely talented and committed team, who work relentlessly and are dedicated to the cause of better tomorrow.