On Wednesday, Dileep Sanghani was elected as the chairman of the Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative (IFFCO). Since 2019, Sanghani has served as vice-chairman. The elections were called after incumbent chairman Balvinder Singh Nakai died in October of last year.
The elected board of directors of IFFCO unanimously elected Dileep Sanghani as the 17th chairman of the Cooperative, according to a statement from the cooperative major.
Following her election, Sanghani stated that the IFFCO will continue to work for farmers in accordance with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision of 'Sahkar se Samridhi.' He reaffirmed his support for farmers and cooperatives.
"We continue to perform in line with our Prime Minister's vision of Atmanirbhar Krishi and Atmanirbhar Bharat to realize the dream of doubling farmers' income," said IFFCO's Managing Director Awasthi.
Sanghani is a senior co-operator from Gujarat and the chairman of the Gujarat State Cooperative Marketing Federation Ltd. (GUJCOMASOL), a position he has held since 2017. He held various portfolios in the Gujarat government, including agriculture, cooperation, animal husbandry, fisheries, cow-breeding, prison, excise, law and justice, legislative and parliamentary affairs.
Sanghani was also elected President of the National Cooperative Union of India (NCUI), the country's apex cooperative body, in 2021.
About IFFCO:
The Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited, or IFFCO, is a multi-state cooperative society headquartered in New Delhi, India that manufactures and markets fertilizers. Founded in 1967 with 57 member cooperatives, it is now the world's largest co-op by turnover on GDP per capita, with approximately 35,000 member cooperatives reaching over 50 million Indian farmers.
IFFCO is India's largest fertilizer manufacturer, with a 19% market share in urea and a 29% market share in complex fertilizers (P2O5 terms).
Recently, IFFCO has been ranked number one cooperative among the top 300 cooperatives in the world. The ranking is based on the ratio of turnover over the GDP per capita, according to Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited. IFFCo was also honoured with 7 awards in the Fertiliser Association of India’s Annual seminar 2021.