IFFCO, the biggest fertilizer cooperative in the country has launched an application for the welfare of the farmers. IFFCO partnered the association with Singapore based technology firm, imandi. The e-commerce platform drew an investment of about 80 crores. The fertilizer major launched the mobile application in Chandigarh.
As per the firm, 5.5 crore farmers will be benefited by this application, associated with IFFCO. The product “imandi” will be available as mobile application as well as web portal. 26% of the stakes are captured by the IFFCO subsidiary IFFCO e-bazar. The other 74% stakes are with other investors including I-tech holdings.

iMandi’s mobile platform is a one-stop-shop for all farmers and rural communities. It offers a suite of digital products and services. iMandi has been devised to change the way Indian farmers buys, sells, socializes, entertains and transacts through technology. The app is available on android app store as well as on apple store.
A joint venture with IFFCO e-bazar, the app and portal “imandi” offers trading platform called ibazar, e-commerce, with name imandi, labour exchange which is called ishram. Similarly, the platform offer 14 services to the farmers. Alongwith these, it also gives information and education to the farmers.

"After spearheading the campaign across India to sensitise the farmers about the use of online and digital transactions, we are proud to come up with an app 'IFFCO iMandi'. It is a 'one stop shop' for agri inputs and produce, FMCG, electronics, loans, insurance etc," IFFCO Managing Director U S Awasthi said. iMandi would address all needs of the farming community and aims to cater to captive user base of 55 million farmers, he added.
IFFCO, headquartered in Delhi has 35,000 member societies in its fold. During the last fiscal, IFFCO had a turnover of Rs 20,787 crore. Approximately 8 million tonnes of fertilizer was produced in the year 2017-18 whereas the sales preceded with10.3 million tonnes of fertilizers during the same fiscal.