India’s leading crop-protection company, UPL Ltd. has aligned its resources to produce Oxygen for Covid treatment. The decision by UPL was taken to meet the nationwide shortage caused by the surge in Coronavirus cases.
The company plans to convert 4 of its nitrogen production plants at Gujarat to produce and deliver oxygen to 4 hospitals in Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. These plants will then be skid mounted and delivered directly to the hospital sites for them to be plugged into the hospital’s oxygen eco-system to help attain self-sufficiency in supply. This innovation by UPL will help cater to 200 to 250 beds at each of these hospitals including ICU patients.
CEO of UPL Ltd. Jai Shroff said, “At UPL we are true to our value of being – ‘Always Human’ & committed to providing support to the best of our abilities in these tough times. We will contribute in meeting the growing demand for oxygen in India which is a key requirement in this second wave of Covid-19”.
He added that “UPL will be diverting its resources and aiming all efforts at helping ease the burden by converting the nitrogen plants and making oxygen available directly to the hospitals. This will also help to address the larger issues of transportation, tankers, etc. We have already begun the approval process and hope to be dispatching these converted plants to hospitals by the end of this month. We recognize that saving human life is of paramount importance, and we have been working with local administrations to do everything that we can to help during this crisis.”