He is heading HAFCO, a company of North India in Poplar plantation for the farmers to raise Poplar and Clone Eucalyptus plants with their marketing and extension services throughout the rotation. Krishi Jagran Media Group interacted with Dr. Singh and he explained about the current challenges and opportunities of Agro-Forestry Industry in India. Excerpts :
Q.1: What are the perceptions about change in the village common land, restrictions on felling trees from own land, future supply of tree products from the forests, and attitude of the people towards agro forestry?
Ans.1: If Govt. strongly adopts Agro Forestry/ plantation on common land its biggest area of total land , Almost harvesting of trees are already banned by the Govt except Agro Forestry , however some states not permitted harvesting without permission, so people growing tree under Agro Forestry system because no other resources for fulfill the requirement.
Q.2: How will you rate the importance of aspects of human psychology in designing socially acceptable agro-forestry systems?
Ans.2: Tree planting on lands other than forests by farmers and industries is also likely to address some of the major environmental concerns of soil protection, sequestering green house gases, biodiversity conservation etc thereby safeguarding ecological security of mankind.
Q.3: Most of the well planned rural development forestry programs of the 1970s, and agro-forestry in particular, were either not adopted by the intended beneficiaries or failed to meet the needs and aspirations of the rural people, particularly in the developing countries. What are the reasons for non-adoption according to you?
Ans.3: No support price was provided by the Govt .No buy back guarantee was given by NABARD Project. No post harvesting support by any sector. Moreover, no market rates was fixed/stable & decided by the Govt and No support/ subsidies given to the farmers etc.
Q.4: Tell us about offerings and what are the advantages of agro forestry cultivation for India are?
Ans.4: Poplars have been planted for environmental purposes as well as for wood for hundreds of years. It was only with the technological advances of the second half of the 20th century that the value of poplar wood increased, giving rise to the birth of a new science, or as we like to think of it, a new art: Poplar Farming, whose aim is to plant and tend poplar trees for the purposes of wood production. Poplars still continue to offer the environmental benefits for which they were originally planted, and even provide some new ones that are especially useful to modern-day society, such as the capture of CO2 to help with the struggle against climate change. Of all European trees, poplars are the ones which convert most CO2.
They are planted to purify water (green filters), to restore eroded ground on or nearby riverbanks, to protect crops against floods and wind, to restore gravel beds and polluted soils (phytoremediation), to produce biomass for generating green energy or bio-energy, to provide shade and to make the landscape more attractive.
Q.5: What problems did you face when starting this venture and how did you achieve success in your area?
Ans.5: Haryana Agro Forests Company is established keeping in mind the growing threat of global warming and the worldwide interest in sustainable environment friendly agro-projects. We started Agro Forestry project in 1995 and it was typical period for these types of project at that time but struggled continue and make door to door programs. Ply & Board Industry was on developing stage, so only Paper Industry was the source to sell out farmer produce but now 1000 industries are available. We are leader of Agro Forestry market in Northern India and now farmers are known everything related plantation. Now we are sending to plants to Nepal also.
- To get global reorganization as a socially responsible corporate entity by ensuring good services and high business ethics.
- To produce genetically superior hybrid poplar trees, improve agricultural practices and improve wood yields.
- To reduce the carbon dioxide from environment, enhance the percentage of oxygen and to control the global warming.
- The focus of the Hafco poplar plantation is to provide a research base to produce wood fiber that has high value to both the growers and industry users.
Q.7: What are the current challenges faced by the industry?
Ans.7: Economic diversifications of rural areas (for farmers) maintain competitiveness and provide job opportunities in the forest products. Development of an alternative crop and sources of income industries. Provide increased wood supplies, establish protection against wind and water erosion, to intercept nutrient run of near streams, reverse and wet lands. Achieve high wood yields thorough intensive management and short rotations. Promotes natural hybridization, hybridization control: new clones.
Q.8: What is the future of Agro-forestry compared with other disciplines of Agriculture?
Ans.8: It provides a fast growing source of wood fiber and quick returns for the plantations . Poplar wood is the most preferred raw material for Paper Industries, matchsticks ,Partical boards, boxes for packaging sports good and pencils etc.
The benefits include alternative sources of income such as wood production, bio-energy; environmental benefits such as soil conservation and water quality enhancement .“INDIA LIVES IN VILLAGES” stated MAHATMA GANDHI JI. It’s a starting of new era by HAFCO. in which we would observe in our future with drastic changes . Forests are under intense biotic pressures and major factor are illicit removal of firewood in head loads, theft of valuable timber, Highly productive clonal plantations will help diversification of agriculture and contribute to the greening of the country, biodiversity develop rich natural forests and large scale employment opportunities through plantations and development of wood based industries.
Four states of Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand & Uttar Pradesh, contributing in a small way to greening of India, environmental amelioration, maintenance of ecological balance, effective conservation of soil and water resources and preventing further land degradation. It can sustaining the momentum of green revolution and life support systems, however, the plantation can balancing, ecologically and environmental amelioration. It is a vision for the long term goals that helps to maintain the ecological balance and provides a safer environment for our future generations. My best wishes are with this project
Q.9: How has your company performed this year?
Ans.9: We performed well every year, this year we produce 10 lakh saplings and supply these direct to the farmers at minimum cost. we did big project with Our best customer like.
- Jindal Realty Pvt Ltd , Jindal Global City , Sec – 34,35 Sonepat ( HR)
- Oasis agrofin infra Pvt Ltd , Chandigarh
- Sarda Group , Kathmandu , Nepal
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