How much a sole plant of tomato can yield, can you guess? How far could your guess reach ? 5 kg to 10 kg? For some this might also seem to be more.
The Tomato plant we are going to mention here is not a modest tomato plant, it has been developed by the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR). The institute had developed this variety of tomato that can produce 19 kg tomatoes. The name of this new high quality tomato maker is “ARKA RAKSHAK”. Scientists of the Indian Horticultural Research Institute have achieved this yield from the high quality plant under ammunition cultivation.
This method is the highest yield level of tomatoes production. This record break yield has created a stir between the farmers who cultivate tomatoes. Indian Institute of Horticultural Research is located on the banks of the river Arakavathi. This is the reason why this new type of tomato-producing record is named as “ARKA RAKSHAK”.
'It is the highest yield of tomato in the entire state and according to scientific data, this species of tomatoes has proved to be the highest yield of tomato in the state,' says Sathasiv, chief of the Institute's leading scientist and vegetable crop division.
According to them, the highest yield of tomato hybrid species in other plants has been recorded up to 15 kg. He said that while the average production of tomato per hectare is 35 tonnes in Karnataka, the tomato production of Arka protector species has increased to 190 tonnes per hectare.

Chandrappa, a farmer of Devasthanas Hosalei in Chikkaballapur district, got 2000 tomato plants of this high quality plant in his half acre farm and got 38 tons of tomato yield, while in such a number he could get 20 tons of production from other hybrid tomatoes. .
Chandrapa explains, 'From November 2012 to January 2013, I got the savings of Rs. 3 lakh per kilo, by cutting the cost of Rs. 80 thousand and saving three lakh rupees.
According to Dr Sadashiv, this is not only a high yielding species, but also the three types of diseases found in tomatoes, curl virus in the leaves, wilt bacteria, and fight against the wilt bacteria in the early days of the crop, this has resistive capacity. They believe that the cost savings on fungal and pesticides reduces the cost of tomato cultivation by up to 10 per cent.
Along with this there is also some other benefits of this dark-colored farming tomatoes. Because of its dark color, it is easy to transport these tomatoes to the maximum distance through transport. Other common species can be kept for six days after the yield of tomatoes; Tomatoes of hybrid species can be kept for ten days, whereas the extracts of tomato can be kept for fifteen days for any other effort.
To get the seeds you can contact the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research..
ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research
Hessaraghatta lake post, IIHR Main Rd, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Ivar Kandapura, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560089