The CBSE board exams of class 12th and 10th exams are round the corner. Wishing good luck to students appearing for the exams, Anita Karwal, CBSE Chief sent across her advice to students in the tech lingo they are familiar with.
Here are the 9 advices she stressed on to hit your tech savvy mind and relax your ‘overloaded’ brains.
Face your books and ‘insta’ your studies. After all, it must be ‘Studentunstoppable’
Schooling years are the best years for scholarship and education because students’ ‘hard disc’ space is the most receptive in these years.
Let your mind’s ‘web browser’ loose and ‘download’ several life competencies and life skills.
There are ‘messengers’ (mentors) to help you identify the ‘spams’.
Ensure the ‘bandwidth’ of learning is fast and vast.

Don’t forget you have multiple options such as ‘autocorrect’, ‘backspace’, ‘pause’, ‘shift’ or ‘delete’ to add value to education.
'Firewall’ all distractions for the time being and let fun and games go to the ‘random access memory’.
Exams are like ‘Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) of your lives that are meant to help you locate the real possibilities and resources that lie within you by optimizing your knowledge ‘search engine.’
In the future you will not even remember the marks you get now but let the days you spend working hard for exams be ‘router’ for a fulfilling life.
All the very best for board exams!