Aadhar-related services, such as connecting your phone number to your Aadhar, updating other information, and so on, will soon be available at your doorstep, thanks to the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). This implies that you will not need to go to the Aadhar Seva Kendra to get these services.
Currently, the UIDAI is training 48,000 India Post Payment Bank postmen in this area. They will deliver Aadhar services to your house after the training.
According to sources, up to 1.5 lakh postal officers would be taught over the course of two phases. The postmen have also been trained to reach out to more people across the ID and enroll them in the Aadhar program, which is part of the UIDAI's expansion goal, according to officials.
Postmen will be given the necessary digital equipment, including a desktop or laptop-based Aadhar kit, so that they may update Aadhar card holders' information or enroll children for Aadhar number issuance. Officials stated, "The UIDAI is making all necessary preparations to ensure a seamless implementation of the strategy."
Aside from that, the UIDAI will enrol around 13,000 banking correspondents now employed by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology's Common Service Centre.
The UIDAI also intends to establish an Aadhar Sewa Kendra in each of the country's 755 districts in order to update all of the data as soon as possible.
The majority of the 50,000 Aadhaar detail updates done on a daily basis across the country has come from urban areas. According to the official, people in rural regions must visit an Aadhaar Seva Kendra to update their information. To address this issue, the UIDAI aims to create a 'mini' Aadhar Seva Kendra in each of the country's 7224 blocks, which will be prepared to do these tasks.
"For both the Aadhar Sewa Kendra and the mini kendras, we'll need to secure state government or municipal premises." We are hoping that state governments would assist UIDAI," added the official.