Amit Shah stated in his talk that the launch of the IFFCO Nano DAP (Liquid) product is a crucial step towards making India self-sufficient in the sector of fertilizers. He stated that IFFCO's efforts are an example to all national cooperatives to conduct research and push into new fields.
He expressed optimism that, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's leadership, the launch of the IFFCO Nano DAP (Liquid) product will usher in a paradigm shift in India's agriculture sector, making farmers rich and India self-sufficient in the field of production and fertilizer. According to Shah, spraying nano liquid DAP on plants will assist boost both the quality and amount of yield while also conserving land. This will make a significant contribution to restoring land fertility and reducing the harm to the health of millions of Indians posed by chemical fertilizers.
Amit Shah, Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation, has urged farmers to use liquid Nano Urea and DAP instead of granular urea and DAP. He claims that the usage of granular urea harms the land, the crop, and people's health. Farmers, he claims, have the greatest aptitude to accept new changes. One 500 mL bottle has the same effect on the crop as a 45 kilogramme bag of granular urea.
Because it is a liquid, it will only lightly contaminate the land. When there are a lot of earthworms, they behave like a fertilizer factory. He claims that by employing liquid DAP and liquid urea, farmers may increase the number of earthworms in their fields and transition to natural farming without sacrificing production or profits. This will also aid in land conservation. Shah stated that in a country like India, where 60% of the people is still involved in agriculture and allied enterprises, this ground-breaking step will propel agriculture forward in the coming years, making India self-sufficient in food production and fertilizers.
According to Amit Shah, the country produces 384 lakh metric tonnes of fertilizer, with cooperative societies producing 132 lakh metric tonnes. IFFCO has produced 90 lakh metric tonnes of the 132 lakh metric tonnes of fertilizer. He stated that cooperative organizations such as IFFCO and KRIBHCO have made significant contributions to India's self-sufficiency in the domains of fertilizer, milk production, and marketing. Shah stated that the cooperation's fundamental mantra is "mass production by masses" rather than "mass production." It was thought that this motto would fail after the 1970s and 1980s, yet numerous cooperative societies, including IFFCO and KRIBHCO, have followed it.
Along with their professionalism in all areas of cooperation, research, capacity, and capability, they have kept the cooperative spirit alive and have put it into action on the ground. He stated that the best example and success story of a cooperative is that if IFFCO makes Rupee 1 today, after income tax is deducted, 80 paise flows directly to the farmers.
The Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation stated that, following the introduction of liquid Nano DAP and liquid Nano Urea, the first Nano DAP (Liquid) has been introduced in the world today, thanks to the efforts of IFFCO. He stated that IFFCO has registered a patent under which IFFCO will receive a 20% royalty on the sale of Liquid Urea and Liquid DAP everywhere in the globe for the next 20 years, which is a ground-breaking step. According to Amit Shah, IFFCO has done outstanding work in bringing scientific knowledge to the agricultural fields via the 'Lab to Land' approach.
The cooperative society IFFCO has commissioned three urea plants in a single year in this series. According to the Union Minister of Cooperation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi approved Nano Urea on February 24, 2021, and today, in 2023, the infrastructure to produce around 17 crore Nano Urea bottles has been established. Nano Urea marketing began in August 2021, and around 6.3 crore bottles were produced till March 2023. As a result, usage and imports of urea have been decreased by 6.3 crore bags, saving the country's revenue and foreign money. This is a huge step forward and a huge success story.
According to the Union Cooperation Minister, urea imports in the country will be reduced by seven lakh metric tonnes in 2021-22. He stated that a goal has been established to reduce the use of granular DAP by approximately 90 lakh metric tonnes through the use of liquid DAP. The country will generate 18 crore liquid DAP bottles. According to Shah, potato farmers in Punjab, Haryana, West Bengal, Gujarat, and Uttar Pradesh used approximately 8 bags of DAP per acre of soil, which improved productivity but damaged the land and farm produce. He stated that liquid DAP includes 8% nitrogen and 16% phosphorous.
Its use will assist cut granular urea utilization by roughly 14% and DAP usage by 6% initially and 20% subsequently. It will result in a reduction in the country's foreign exchange reserves, an improvement in plant nutrition, and 100% availability of nutrients in the soil. Along with this, farmers will face a 6% reduction in wheat spending and a 20% reduction in potato and sugarcane production. This will not only boost the fertility of the soil, but will also benefit the consumer's health.
According to Amit Shah, Prime Minister Narendra Modi established the Ministry of Cooperation during the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav to revitalize, strengthen, and make the cooperative sector dynamic. In the cooperative sector, we are bringing about significant changes. According to Shah, in order to strengthen the cooperative sector, the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS) must first be reinforced.
The Ministry of Cooperation has announced that new multi-dimensional PACS will be established in 2 lakh panchayats across the country over the next five years. There will be 32 different sorts of services specified for these, such as dairy, arrangements for supplying agricultural loans to farmers, fisherman cooperative, IFFCO dealership, fair pricing grains shop, common service centre, and water management committee.
According to Shah, the PACS model bye-laws have been submitted to the states, and 17 states have also embraced these model bye-laws. He stated that the Multidimensional PACS would produce a single PACS by uniting four PACS that provide multi-usage services, fisheries, financial loans to farmers, and dairy. This will revitalize the PACS while also increasing their income. Cooperatives employ 80% of Indians, and we intend to make it truly multi-dimensional. IFFCO has leveraged its experience and confidence to propel this entire cooperative movement, which is critical to the cooperative sector's strengthening.
IFFCO has prioritized distribution network expansion, digital transaction enhancement, product portfolio diversification and stability, capacity building, and R&D. Shah stated that the Government of India has established three multi-state co-operative societies for organic products, seeds, and exports, in which IFFCO is a major investor, and that all three organizations will benefit from IFFCO's experience.