Farmers can use these government allotted advisories for crop cultivation and animal husbandry purposes to get the most out of their yields by following these guidelines till 25th May 2022. After that, an updated advisory should be followed for the best practices. Keep visiting Krishi Jagran to get the updated advisory.
General Advisory: Coastal Andhra Pradesh region is likely to receive Below normal rainfall during the subsequent one week i.e., from 25th May to 31st May 2022.
Farmers have advised using subsoilers as it will break the hardpans in the soil and also it will help to increase the water storage capacity of the soil during the rainy season.
For the Kharif rice crop, farmers need to start land preparation works. Farmers need to do deep summer ploughing to eliminate the soil-borne pests and diseases during the crop period.
Transport and procure FYM in the fields itself for application during the last ploughing. Collect good quality seed materials from reputed firms. Seed treatments strictly follow. Acquire knowledge about the usage and procurement of herbicide for the management of weeds during early showers of the rains. Procure green manure seed material.
Crop Specific Advisory:
Sugarcane: As there is a forecast for rainfall in the ensuing five days, utilize the rainfall and go for topdressing of urea @ 150 kg/ac for ratoon crop of 45 days and 75 kg/ac for plant crop of 90 days. Present weather conditions are also favourable for the incidence of shoot borer in Sugarcane to control and increase the frequency of irrigation and mulching.
Rice: As the season is yet to begin, hence farmers are advised to go for ploughing by using recent rains, remove the crop stubbles, clean the field and suggested verities for the district cotton dorasannalu, vijetha, Prabhat, IR-64, jagityalasannalu, nellurimashuri, nellurisona and set and collect the good seed material from recognized firm well in advance.
The farmers who are taking up edagaru (early Kharif) nurseries are advised to take up seed treatment compulsory. For dry seed treatment treat 1 kg of seed with 3 g. of carbendazim and sow the seed in the nursery after 24 hrs. Similarly, for wet seed treatment soak the seed for 24 hrs in the solution prepared with carbendazim @ 1 g./kg of seed per litre of water and incubate for 24 hrs before sowing in the nursery.
Cotton: The present weather conditions are favourable for flower and boll bud dropping in cotton, to control spray Planofix @0.25 ml/lit to control flower droppings and present conditions are also favourable for incidence of leaf spot to control leaf spot spray Hexaconazole @2.0ml/lit.
Groundnut: By utilizing the ensuing rainfall go - for land preparation for the sowing of early Kharif groundnut with high yielding groundnut varieties like Dharani, Narayani, Kadiri-7, Bheema, Kadiri-9.
Farmers who cultivated groundnut for seed purposes should tie the harvested plants as bundles and dry them in the shade to ensure that the moisture content is 8-9 per cent. Sprinkle 5% Malathion powder on stored seed once every 2-3 weeks.
Present weather conditions are favourable for the incidence of Spodoptera in groundnuts. To control, it is recommended to spray Chlorpyriphos @ 2.5 ml (or) Emamectin benzoate @ 0.3 g per litre of water.
Mango: Earthing up and staking should be done for fallen small trees due to high wind speed and heavy rains. Cut the broken twigs and apply Bordeaux paste or copper-oxy chloride paste on top of them. The fruits that are ready for harvesting should be harvested. The fallen fruits should be sent to the market or sent to a processing unit. Arrange 6-7 Methyl Eugenol, 0.1% + Malathion, 0.1% soaked wood traps per acre for protecting the fruits from fruit flies. To control leaf spot and stem-end rot spray Carbendazim@1.0 ml per lit of water
Banana: Earthing up and staking should be done for fallen small trees due to high wind speed and heavy rains.
Due to the high relative humidity of Sigatoka leaf, spot disease incidence may be observed. To prevent the spread of disease propiconazole @ 1.0 ml (or) Tebuconazole + Trifloxystrobin @ 0.4 ml per litre for 2-3 times in 30 days interval. To control rhizome rot due to high soil moisture in the soil drench with COC @3.0g/lit or 1% Bordeaux mixture
Live Stock Specific Advisory:
Livestock: Cultivate rainfed cereal-based perennial fodder grasses like Co-4 hybrid Napier, jowar, Co- FS-29/31 and pulse-based cowpea and stylo Cameta. Cattle should be given a mixture of mineral salts and saltwater for drinking. Prevailing weather conditions are congenial for the occurrence of Ranikhet disease in poultry, ET, sheep pox and PPR in Sheep Hemorrhagic Septicemia, and Foot and mouth disease in cattle and Buffaloes. To prevent the diseases, vaccinate the animals.
Fisheries: Freshwater fish Indian major corps summer fish kill Present high-temperature weather conditions are favourable for summer fish kill due to DO depletion advised to stoppage of organic fertilizers and feed skips if pond colour is dark green colour. Application of calcium peroxide @1 kg/ac or hydrogen peroxide @ 1lt/ac in emergency ‘DO’ depleted conditions.
Poultry: Precaution should be taken to regulate the temperature of the poultry shed by hanging wet gunny bags.