Assam Forest Recruitment Updates: Today, February 9, the State Level Police Recruitment Board (SLPRB) Assam will release the admit cards for the Assam Forest Department recruitment 2023. Candidates can obtain a copy by visiting the Official Website.
This massive hiring effort intends to fill 2,850 posts of Driver, Driver Constable, AFPF Constable, Forest Guard, and Forester Grade I.
For the PST and PET for the positions of Forester Grade I, Forest Guard, AFPF Constable, Driver Constable, and Driver, the Assam Police will issue admit cards.
On February 13, 2023, the Physical Standard Test (PST) and Physical Efficiency Test (PET) are expected to start. The venue for the same will be mentioned in their respective admit cards.
One Physical Examination for All Positions
For the positions, the Physical Efficiency Test (PET), which consists of a 1600-meter race for women and a 3200-meter sprint for men, will be administered as part of the Physical Standard Test (PST) and Physical Efficiency Test (PET) tests.
Therefore, applicants who have applied for many positions with the same standard of race will only participate in the PST & PET once for all positions for which they have applied.
Where to look for admit card for the forest department?
Candidates can access slprbassam.in to download their admission cards after they have been made available.
Assam Forest Recruitment 2023: Steps to Download Admit Card
Visit the SLPRB's official website.
Click the link for Assam Police Admit Card on the webpage.
Enter your login information, then click "Submit."
On the screen, your admission card will be visible.
Examine the admissions card and save the page.
Keep a physical copy of it in case you need it again.