The Fertilizer Association of India (FAI) is conducting its Annual Seminar 2021 from December 1-3 at the India Habitat Centre in New Delhi, India, on the theme "Challenges in Fertilizer and Agriculture."
The Fertilizer Association of India (FAI) is a non-profit, non-trading organization that represents fertilizer manufacturers, distributors, importers, equipment manufacturers, research institutes, and input suppliers.
Presentations will cover topics such as economic policies, climate-resilient agriculture, technological advancements in fertilizer production, and fertilizer marketing efficiency.
Today was the second day of the seminar which is kicked off by Rajesh Kumar Chaturvedi who is Secretary of the Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers.
Many important speakers have shared their valuable thoughts. Dr. Atmaram Mishra is one of them. He is the Director of ICAR-Indian Institute of Water Management, Bhubneshwar, Odisha.
In the seminar, Dr. Atmaram emphasized the importance of the Creation of water storage structures for the conservation of water while also speaking about how Improvement of irrigation system performance would actually help conserve the excess of water that is usually wasted in Agriculture.
Hence, Dr. Atmaram emphasized the importance of the creation of water storage structures for the conservation of water. While also speaking about how Improvement of irrigation system performance would actually help conserve the excess of water that is usually wasted in agriculture.
His explanation on upscaling of soil and water conservation while using technologies like rainwater harvesting and watershed development.
Further, he said water-saving technologies need to be promoted so that maximum possible coverage could be utilized under drip and sprinkler irrigated areas.
His ideas on customizing water management systems after having properly identified farming systems and his ideas on wastewater treatment and reuse, mainly in urban and peri-urban areas through encouraging Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) were enlightening.
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is a self-governing organization in India that coordinates agricultural education and research. It reports to the Ministry of Agriculture's Department of Agricultural Research and Education.