The Sweet is not sweet for the diabetic patients. Diabetes has become a major healthcare problem in India with an estimated 66.8 million people suffering from the condition, representing the largest number of any country in the world. On one hand, the rising burden of diabetes has greatly affected the health care sector and economy in India. The goal of healthcare experts in India is to transform India into a diabetes care capital in the world.
The people suffering from the diabetes are restricted to take direct sugar in their tea or sweets. They are constrained to use alternative sweeteners. Are these sweeteners are really sweet!
The question is Are these artificial sweeteners are a real substitute to Sugar. For an answer, the great thinking is required.
The available sugar-free sweeteners and THEIR ADVERTISEMENT are very distorting the real truth.
Marketed as 'sugar-free' or 'diet option', artificial sweeteners - commonly found in a variety of food and beverages, including soft drinks, chewing gum, jellies - give a person the same pleasure as sugar but reduce the calories.
These sweeteners available in the market, are the right choice? According to the survey conducted reported by the DNA and ANI news agencies.
"People who are weight conscious or suffering from diabetes or cardiac problems usually prefer artificial sweeteners over table sugar as they are calorie-free. However, many would not know that these are made from chemicals and prolonged use of these sweeteners destroys your taste buds, thereby making your essential foods like nutritional fruits and vegetables unpalatable," said Mohamad Yusuf N Shaikh of Kudrati Ayurved Health Center.
"Also, they increase craving for sweets and make people more inclined towards them. Later, precaution turns into the addiction to sweets, which leads to increased appetite and weight. So, if you take these sweeteners, consume them carefully," he cautioned.
Further, Dr. Pooja Chaudhary, Wellness Consultant, Healthies, said the side effects of excessive use of artificial sweeteners include migraines, obesity, among others.
"Most artificial sweeteners come with a bitter aftertaste. The top dangers of artificial sweeteners are migraines, obesity, dull taste buds, change in vision, nausea and vomiting, hormonal imbalance, insomnia/sleep problems, increased hunger/ overeating, abdominal and joint pains, allergic reaction and type 2 diabetes," said Chaudhary.
She added that a person consuming too many sugar-free foods can still gain weight if the food item contains other ingredients that are calorie loaded. For instance, in the case of diet soda or diet coke, sugar substitute can lower one's risk of tooth decay, but the acid in diet soda could contribute to dental erosion.
So, are you now looking for some healthier alternatives to sugar?
According to Dr. Manjari Chandra, senior nutritionist, India Virtual Hospital, things such as cane sugar, palm sugar, jaggery, honey are better alternatives to sugar.
"Research suggests that synthetic sweeteners like Aspartame, Sucralose, Saccharin, Acesulfame Potassium and even Stevia might not be a great alternative to sugar. They could have a negative effect on gut microbes and thus lead to a higher risk of diabetes cause kidney injury, cancer, and endocrine disorders," she concluded.