The online registration process for the BPSC Civil Services 65th combined prelims examination to be held by the Bihar Public Service Commission will be opened from tomorrow i.e. from July 10, 2019. The registration can be done through the official website of the Commission @ bpsc.bih.nic.in.
As per the notification released by the Bihar Commission, the last date to register for the upcoming BPSC Civil Services 65th combined prelims has been scheduled for July 24, 2019. All the candidates who are eligible and interested to apply for the same are advised to go to the website and fill the form.
Candidates must note that, the last date for making application fee payment is July 30, 2019.
How to apply for the BPSC Civil Services 65th combined prelims 2019?
Step one: Go to the official website of the Bihar Public Service Commission @ bpsc.bih.nic.in
Step two: On the homepage, click on the Civil Services 65th combined prelims 2019 notification
Step three: On clicking, a pdf will be opened
Step four: Go through the same for reference and follow the instructions
Step five: Visit the application portal as mentioned in the notification and click on the register
Step six: Now, a new window will be available on the screen
Step seven: Enter in all the necessary details and submit to register yourself