The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has published the admit card or hall ticket for class 10, 12 compartment exams. These exams will start from July 2, 2019. Candidates who will be appearing for the exams can check and download their admit card from the official website @ cbse.nic.in.
However, for those appearing from regular mode, the admit card will be available from their respective schools. Schools have to download the admit cards and disburse to respective candidates for regular admissions. Whereas, for private students, individual log-in links are activated.
How to check CBSE class 10, 12 compartment exams admit card 2019:
Step 1: Go to the official website @ cbse.nic.in
Step 2: On the homepage, tap on ‘school login’ or ‘private login’ next to admit card for compartment exam July 2019 under ‘recent announcement’
Step 3: You will be redirected to a new page
Step 4: Log-in using credentials
Step 5: Your admit card will be available
Step 6: Download it and take a print out for future use
The CBSE has finished the process of revaluation/verification of marks of the candidates, who have applied for the same. The marks of these candidates have been uploaded on the parinam Manjusha which has been integrated with digilocker.
Students must note that, the Class 10th compartment examination will conclude on July 10, 2019. However, class 12th compartment exam for all subjects will be conducted on July 2, 2019. The date sheet for the compartment exam is present on the board official website.