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CBSE Class 10th, 12th Compartment Date sheet Released; Check Exam Schedule Here

The Central Board of Secondary Education or CBSE has finally released the compartment exam date sheet or schedule for students who could not qualify their class 12 or class 10 board exams in their first attempt.

Abha Toppo

The Central Board of Secondary Education or CBSE has finally released the compartment exam date sheet or schedule for students who could not qualify their class 12 or class 10 board exams in their first attempt. The class 10 compartment exams will start from 2nd June 2019 and conclude on 10th July 2019. On the other hand, the CBSE class 12 compartment exams will be held on a single day i.e. 2nd July, 2019. Students can download their CBSE class 10, 12 date sheet from the official website of the board -cbse.nic.in.

Students must note that the CBSE compartment exams will start in the morning at 10.30 am and answer booklets will be given to candidates at 10:15 am. They will get 15 minutes’ time to read and go through the question paper carefully.

Check CBSE class 10 compartment exam date sheet

Date of Exam


July 2, 2019 (Tuesday)

Science Theory, Science without practical

July 3, 2019 (Wednesday)

Hindustani Music, English Comm., English Language & Literature

July 5, 2019 (Friday)


July 6, 2019 (Saturday)

Home Science, Sanskrit

July 9, 2019 (Tuesday)

Urdu Course A, Hindi Course A, Telugu, Marathi, Punjabi, Bengali, Gujarati, Manipuri, Malayalam, Odia, Kannada, Nepali, Arabic, French, Persian, Hindustani Music, Urdu Course B, Telugu (Telangana), Foundation of IT, Intro to Tourism, Painting, Hindi Course B

July10, 2019 (Wed)

Social Science

In addition to the theory paper mentioned above, there will be practical exam for all those students who have failed in a subject that involves practical. According to the CBSE circular, these exams should be completed by 15th July for students appearing from open schools & 30th June for those appearing from regular schools.

In order to clear the CBSE compartment exams for both class 10 and 12, students need to score at least 33% in theory as well as practical. A total of 2, 00,057 students failed in CBSE class 12 board exams. In class 10 board exams also, a large number of candidates failed.

For more details go to CBSE's official website. 

All the very Best !!!

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