The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) exam results for classes 10, 12, and 13 will be released by the end of July, so students who are waiting for the information may do so soon. Students will be informed in advance of the date and time of the results.
Students can log in to cbseresults.nic. using their school code, roll number, and date of birth after the results are released and download their mark sheets. Over 34 lakh students are waiting for the CBSE class 10, and class 12 results in total.
Results for Classes 10 and 12 have historically been released by CBSE on various dates. However, because the CBSE released the term 1 results for both the Class 10 and Class 12 exams on the same day, students who took these exams must regularly check the official website to stay informed about the release dates for their results.
The results are expected by CBSE to be released around the final week of July.
In the meantime, universities have been instructed by the University Grants Commission (UGC) to set the deadline for enrolling in undergraduate programs only after the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Class 12 results have been released.
According to UGC Chairman M. Jagadesh Kumar, everyone must wait until the CBSE results are released before starting their admissions procedures.
"We have very clearly reminded all the higher educational institutions that they need to wait until the CBSE results are declared before they begin the undergraduate program of admissions," Kumar said in a statement to ANI.
He added that this ensures that every student has an equal opportunity to succeed and prevents CBSE students from losing their seats to students from other boards. He continued, "We will closely monitor and ensure that university admissions happen only after CBSE results are announced.
Class 10 and Class 12 term 2 board exam results, as well as final results combining term 1 and term 2 marks, will probably be released by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) shortly. Earlier this month, a senior board official had stated that the CBSE results would be released on schedule and probably before the end of July. The date and time of the CBSE 10th and 12th-grade results are pending official confirmation.
On the board website and social media, students can get updated information about the day and timing of the CBSE results. Once results are declared, students can visit cbseresults.nic.in, log in using their school code, roll number, and birthdate, and download mark sheets. The ICSE or Class 10 examination has been declared by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE).