The Joint CSIR-UGC NET Application Forms were made available by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on Saturday for the December 2022 and June 2023 cycles. The application form can be filled out online by candidates at the official website, csirnet.nta.nic.in.
Interested candidates are advised to go through the below-mentioned details before applying. The application process will remain open till April 10, 5 pm. The deadline to submit the application with a late fee is April 10 at 11:50 p.m. The rectification window will be open from April 12 to April 18. The exam will be conducted on June 6, 7, and 8.
Application Fee:
For General Candidates: Rs. 1100/-
For General-EWS/ OBC-Non-Creamy Layer Candidates: Rs. 550/-
For SC/ST/ Third Gender Candidates: Rs. 275/-
For PWD Candidates: Nil
Payment Mode: Through Credit/ Debit Card/ Net-Banking/ UPI/ Wallet
The upper age limit for JRF is 28 years and for LS/ Assistant Professorship there is no upper age limit.
Exam Pattern:
The CSIR exam will be divided into three sections, each of which will have multiple-choice, objective-type questions. No intermission will exist between papers. There will be three portions to the paper: A will contain 20 general aptitude questions, of which students must select 15 to complete for two marks each.
Subject-related conventional MCQ will be asked in section B. Subject-related conventional MCQ will be asked in section B. There will be 70 marks in this segment. There will be a maximum of 20 to 35 questions that must be answered. The Candidate’s knowledge of scientific concepts and/or application of the scientific concepts will be tested in the C section.
CSIR UGC-NET 2023: Steps to download
Candidates should visit the official website: csirnet.nta.nic.in
Click on the application form
Enter the required credentials
Pay the application fee
Take a printout of the application form
For more information, view: Official Notification