In view of the Dr K L Chadha, the vast experience and the dynamic leadership to horticulture research, the Horticulture Sector has become the National Focus for its enormous potential, which has brought the imputes to Horticulture to be used for the development of a State, known as Haryana.
Haryana has a natural geographical boundary with the Shivalik hills in the North, the river Yamuna in the East and the river Ghaggar in the West. The South-west of the state is bounded by the Aravali hills which run through Southern Delhi and Gurgram district up to Alwar in Rajasthan. Haryana state is comprised of 6955 villages, 119 Blocks, 44 sub tehsils with 74 Tehsils 54 sub-divisions of 21 Districts divided into 4 Divisions. The State came into existence on November 1, 1966 as a result of reorganization of erstwhile Punjab State.
Haryana having excellent geographical location with climate ranging from dry sub-humid to arid, is ideally suited for cultivation of a wide range of horticulture crops. The State has made significant progress in the field of crop production, its growth in horticultural has to be accelerated to ensure much needed agricultural diversification as well as increased income for the farmers.
Dr R S Paroda, the then Chairman, Haryana Kisan Ayog entrusted the responsibility of Development of Horticulture in Haryana to Dr K L Chandha, as Chairman along with Dr O P Pareek and Dr P C Gupta. The other helping in the cause were Dr M L Chadha as Nodal Officer. A report provided the Way Forward for the State to achieve Horticulture Revolution in Haryana.

Dr Chadha presented the road map farmer driven. He advised and recommended on the basis of the potential of agricultural diversification through promotion of horticulture. The other issues were research infrastructure, achievements, constraints and recommended by setting up of centre for excellence on kinnow and also establishment of separate department of floriculture, medicinal and aromatic plants and also establishment of college of horticulture.
The recommendations were research priorities to be given in the crop improvement, production technology, plant protection, to be taken care of post harvest losses. The concept of developing cluster, Bee keeping for pollination, water utilization and control of blue bull menance, introducing mechanization with crop insurance. Also increse in the subsidy of Medicinal Plants. In view of the fruit crops, the existing 25 government gardens and nurseries with the production capacity of 9 lacs per year besides 4.5 lacs plants per year in the private nurseries. The care was also taken into account of the vegetable Crops , Flower Crops, Spice Crops nd the Mushrooms and medicinal aromatic plants. The emphasis was given on the focus crops with nutrient management and the use of chemicals with proper water management, mulching and reducing the cost of cultivation.
While recommending Development of Horticulture in Haryana, Dr K L Chadha emphasis was shift from chemical pest management to other farmer-friendly technologies. Dr Chadha also emphasized the need to develop ecofriendly disease management technologies. Also the development of varieties tolerant/resistant to abiotic and biotic stresses keep to a greater extent in keeping the incidences low. Number of insect and pest resistant varieties have been developed in different horticulture crops.

Dr Chadha recommendation to the development of horticulture in Haryana the developing varities tolerant/resistant to biotic and abiotic stresses in vegetables like carrot, cabbage, cauliflower, radish, tomato and turnip which are resistant to abiotic stresses like high or low temperature and humidity besides frost resistant varieties in potato and drought tolerant varities in cassava and sweet potato.
Dr Chadha main emphasis was also on the conversion of horticultural waste to wealth. He recommended the horticultural crop production and utilization result in a lot of waste through huge amount of biomass through green and dried leaves, root, shoot stalk and pseudo-stem in the field.
In view of the increasing the farmers income and attracting the young generation towards farming Dr Chadha recommended for the youth to take up mushroom cultivation, bee-keeping, entrepreneurship in custom hiring of tools and machinery. He also suggested opportunities for the youth to seek gainful employment by production and marketing and drying of flowers.
The overall development of Horticulture in the Haryana is the vision of Dr K L Chadha as the Father of Horticulture Revolution.