Earth Day is widely recognized as the largest secular observance in the world, marked by more than a billion people every year as a day of action to change human behavior and create global, national and local policy changes. Every year on April 22, Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movements started in 1970s and also serves as a conscious reminder of how fragile our planet is and how important it is to protect it.
History of the Earth Day:
The first Earth Day took place in 1970. Outraged by oil spills, smog and polluted rivers, 20 million people took to the streets, protesting what they recognized as an environmental crisis. It was the planet’s largest civic event at the time and compelled governments to take concrete actions, including passing environmental laws and establishing environmental agencies. In addition to these practical outcomes, the event demonstrated just how much can be achieved when people come together and demand action.
The day continues to hold great significance. In 2009, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution formally recognizing the day as International Mother Earth Day. On Earth Day 2016, the United Nations formally adopted the Paris Agreement, articulating the commitment of nations to limit global temperature rise to less than 2°C over pre-industrial levels; and to strengthen the ability of countries to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change.
Earth Day 2021: 51st Anniversary
Earth Day 2021 will mark the 51st anniversary of this holiday. Generally, Earth Day is assigned a different theme or area of focus each year, this year’s theme is “Restore Our Earth”. Every year, Earth Day events range from river clean- ups to removals of invasive plants. But due to Pandemic situation across the globe and social distancing still in place for many of us, environmental lectures, summits, events & conferences will take place virtually on Earth Day.
Significance of Earth Day:
This Covid-19 Pandemic is a sharp reminder of the vulnerability of humans and the planet in the face of global scale threats. Unchecked damage to our environment must be addressed with the utmost priority.
Earth Day is the time to demonstrate solidarity, take action and send a clear message to world leaders to act on climate change, check biodiversity and habitat loss, and make certain environmental protection is a fundamental foundation of building back better.
While the COVID-19 has been spreading around the world and dominating news headlines, thoughts and attention, the need to take climate action has remained as urgent as ever.
Earth Day has gained significant importance this time due to the fact that people have been witnessing shortage of food, sky rocketing fuel prices, increased global warming and changing weather patterns. It is a day that acknowledges the importance of our planet.
On this day, various suggestions are brought to light about recycling, energy conservation, increasing plant and tree growth, save water, respect nature, reduce toxins in the air, keep the environment clean, reduce air pollution, planting trees and flowers to increase oxygen and love and respect towards all animals who inhabit the earth.
Creating awareness to people who are ignorant is yet another way to Save Earth and her resources from endanger. Spread initiatives and live as an example so that others will follow it. Most of us know that the world is facing many serious environmental issues. But how many of us know what needs to be done in order to take part in stopping this global issue. If each one of us understand and take responsibility in saving Mother Earth it is definitely a possible change. Always remember the following Quote:
Earth is not our Property, it is our Responsibility.