Yesterday, the ninth round of talks between farmers’ and Centre was also inconclusive. Once again farmers insisted for the withdrawal of the three farm laws, and the government said to amend the laws.
And the next meeting is decided to be held on 15 January.
Hope of Positive Conclusion
Before yesterday’s meeting, Agricultural Minister Tomar hoped that they will reach to a positive conclusion. Tomar said, “I hope that there will be a positive discussion and we will reach to a solution soon. And both sides need to take the step to reach to a conclusion”
Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar and Railway Minister PiyushGoyal met Home Minister Amit Shah before the discussion.
About Yesterday’s Meeting
Just like previous rounds of the meeting, farmers were telling about the laws withdrawal, and Central Government gave the proposal of amendment in the farm laws. And, as per the sources, Central Government said that these farm laws can’t be withdrawn, as many farmers are in the favour of these laws. And farmers’ leaders are continuously repeating their demand to repeal the laws.
As soon as the meeting started, Central Government said that these laws can’t be withdrawn. During the meeting, angry farmers refused to eat langar. They said, we will neither eat roti nor drink tea, and even after the lunch break, they were sitting in the meeting hall.
And, this round of the meeting was also inconclusive. And the next round of the meeting will be on 15 January.
Fight will Continue
After the failed negotiations and inconclusive meeting, farmers’ organizations said they will continue their fight. All India Kisan Sabha General Secretary, HananMollahsaid, “A heated debate, we said that we do not want anything other than the withdrawal of these farm laws. He said, “We won’t go to any court, either these farm laws will be withdrawn or our fight will continue. And, we will have a parade on 26 January as per the planning.”