According to Prof HK Chaudhary, Vice-Chancellor of CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, farmers from the Rohru subdivision in Shimla district will receive the prestigious Plant Genome Saviour Award, carrying a cash prize of Rs 10 lakh, for their contribution in developing red rice, a rare variety of paddy grown in Himachal Pradesh.
According to the VC, university scientists collected all of the data and assisted red rice farmers in registering the traditional variety 'Chhohartu' with the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Authority (PPVFRA) eight years ago.
In the last year, the researchers have aided the farmers in resuming their efforts to conserve, improve, popularise, and disseminate the rice variety, giving honor to the state. Because the honor is exclusively granted to societies, the university even assisted the farmers in forming one.
The award, which includes a cash prize of Rs 10 lakh, a citation, and a souvenir, will be awarded to the farmers' association by the Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare on November 11. It is the country's highest honor for farmers, given in recognition of their contributions to plant variety conservation and development.
According to Prof Chaudhary, red rice is grown on 1,000 hectares in several Rohru subdivision villages. It is grown on both banks of the Pabbar River and maybe grown at elevations ranging from 1,300 to 2,100 meters. It is classified as Japonica red rice. The crimson pericarp (upper layer) of 'Chhohartu' commands a premium price in the market, demonstrating the value of 'voice for local'.
Dr. Ajai Srivastava and his colleagues, including retired breeder Dr. RP Kaushik, were also recognized by the VC for their consistent efforts to assist farmers with necessary scientific data and other award formalities.
A few years ago, university scientists assisted farmers in Bhedal panchayat in Chamba district in receiving the Plant Genome Saviour Community Award-2019 for preserving maize landraces 'Haachi' (white), 'Retti' (red), and 'chitkuri' (popcorn).
1,000 hectares of Land are under Cultivation:
About 1,000 hectares of red rice are planted in Rohru subdivision villages.
Excess water with a thick viscosity that is decanted after cooking red rice is said to be beneficial to expectant moms.