Eminent farm scientist and the Father of the Indian Green revolution M.S Swaminathan expressed happiness on the repeal of the three farm bills on Friday by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and told reporters that, the future of agriculture is totally dependant on the price, production and procurement of the goods produced.
He also went on to say “I am happy with the announcement today. I emphasize that C2+50 % is the core of the reports of the National Commission on Farmers”.
C2 refers to a complete measure of cultivation expenses that includes the imputed cost of capital as well as land rent. While + 50 % over here generally means to give farmers 50% extra returns which had been previously recommended to the government by the National Commission on Farmers, which has also been the demand of farmers.
Dr Swaminathan has been the greatest supporter of the use of this formula for the procurement of farmers produce for years.
And the very essence of his sentence is a reflection of the current state of the Agricultural sector of India, where the procurement prices of farmer procured goods are actually agitating the farmers a lot. Hence the Government should actually balance the procurement, production and prices of goods in such a way that it can be beneficial to the farmers and consumers too so that inflation is kept in check while also doubling the income of farmers.
Dr Swaminathan also added that "The future of agriculture depends on the impact we can make on production, procurement and prices. These should be attended to concurrently"
With the promise of the re-appealment of the three farm laws which are to be done in the winter session of the parliament Prime Minister Modi also added,” Whatever I did was for farmers. What I am doing is for the country." while also urging the farmers to return to their homes on the auspicious Day of Guru Purab.