GAIL Gas Limited is expected to wrap up the registration process for Junior & Senior Associate positions. The recruitment drive is being conducted to fill in a total of 120 positions. Interested candidates are advised to go through the below-mentioned details before applying. The last date for submission of the application is 10th April 2023.
GAIL Recruitment 2023: Vacancy Details
Associate (Technical): 72 posts
Associate (Fire & Safety): 12 posts
Associate (Marketing): 6 posts
Associate (Finance & Accounts): 6 posts
Associate (Company Secretary): 2 posts
Associate (Human Resource): 6 posts
Associate: 16 posts
GAIL Recruitment 2023: Remuneration
The combined salary for Senior Associates is Rs 60,000 per month, while Junior Associates receive Rs 40,000 per month, which encompasses their pay, housing rent allowance (HRA), and additional benefits.
GAIL Recruitment 2023: Selection Process
For the post of Senior Associate: Written test and a personal interview.
For the post of Junior Associate: Written test and/or Skill Test.
GAIL Recruitment 2023: Eligibility Criteria
To check out the essential qualification and minimum essential experience, go through the official notification.
GAIL Recruitment 2023: Application Fee
Candidates belonging to the General, EWS & OBC (NCL) category will have to pay a non-refundable application fee of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) (excluding applicable Convenience Fee and Taxes). SC/ ST/ PwBD category candidates are exempted from payment of application fees
GAIL Recruitment 2023: How to Apply
Visit the official website gailgas.com
The application portal for the same shall remain open from 1100 hrs. onwards on 10.03.2023 and up to 1800 hrs. on 10.04.2023.
Fill in the application form
Upload the relevant documents
Pay the application fee
Submit the application
Take a printout of the duly filled application