The Grameen Bharat Mahotsav 2025 is in full swing at Bharat Mandapam, Pragati Maidan, bringing together stakeholders from across India to celebrate the transformative strides of rural India. The six-day event, jointly organized by the Department of Financial Services, Government of India, and NABARD, will run until January 9, 2025. It emphasizes rural development as the cornerstone of India’s economic growth.
The second day saw NABARD Chairman Shaji KV addressing the media and highlighting rural India’s pivotal role in driving the nation's progress. “This Mahotsav showcases rural India's remarkable achievements over the last decade. Enhanced infrastructure, digital connectivity, and GI tagging of products are key examples of the convergence between rural and urban growth. The demand in rural areas now rivals urban areas, underscoring the importance of fostering sustainable rural development,” he said.
Workshops, Panels, and Exhibitions: A Focus on Rural Innovation
Day two featured masterclasses and workshops led by industry experts, delving into sustainable rural growth and innovation. Panel discussions covered critical themes such as "Scaling Organic Agriculture to Tap Opportunities" and "Empowering Cooperatives for a Viksit Bharat."
The expansive exhibition celebrated India’s rural heritage with authentic products like textiles, handicrafts, and agro-products on display. These exhibits showcased the skill and creativity of rural artisans while promoting the commercial potential of registered GI products.
Cultural Extravaganza: ‘HARVEST - Rhythms of the Earth’
Adding to the vibrant atmosphere, NABARD has organized a five-day cultural festival, HARVEST: Rhythms of the Earth, conceptualized by Seher. The event highlights the synergy between rural and urban artistry, offering a stunning lineup of traditional performances, including Bihu, Odissi, Carnatic Kritis, and Sufiyana Qawwali. Contemporary acts like The Raghu Dixit Project bring a modern twist, blending folk and rock.
A Vision for a Developed Bharat
The Grameen Bharat Mahotsav is more than a celebration—it is a collaborative platform for government officials, rural entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and artisans to shape the future of rural India. By promoting over 200 GI products and exploring strategies for their commercial success, the Mahotsav aligns with India’s ambition of becoming a developed nation by 2047.