Haryana Fasal Suraksha Yojana (HFSY) in Cluster II of State for Kharif 2023 was announced by the Haryana Government on Friday, September 22, 2023, in order to provide financial assistance to cotton farmers who suffered during the ongoing kharif season in seven districts.
Haryana Fasal Suraksha Yojana Cluster 2 Districts
According to the notification released by the Haryana Government, districts that fall under the Cluster 2 category, including Hisar, Jind, Ambala, Gurugram, Karnal, Mahendragarh, and Sonepat, will be covered in this scheme.
Haryana Fasal Suraksha Yojana Financial Assistance
Firstly, the farmers have to pay Rs 1,500 as a fee for the registration of the crop on the Meri Fasal Mera Byora (MFMB) portal.
Secondly, they will be provided Rs 30,000 per acre as financial aid on the basis of crop-cutting experiments (CCE).
Thirdly, farmers need to inform the appropriate authority within the time prescribed, i.e. 72 hours, to give intimation for localized loss of financial assistance.
HFSY: Who Can Apply?
In order to apply for the Haryana Fasal Suraksha Yojana (HFSY), farmers need to meet the standard level of destruction or event and perils. "The events of perils leading to crop losses covered under the scheme will be floods, drought, inundation, hailstorm, unseasonal rain, and widespread pest/disease only," said the notification.
HFSY: When to Apply?
The farmers should enroll themselves in this scheme from September 21, 2023, to September 30, 2023.
Monitoring of The Scheme
At least 10% of the beneficiaries will be cross-verified and the report will be sent to the Director, Agriculture, and Farmer Welfare Department, Haryana before the final payment of the benefits to the farmers.
For more details, you can visit here.