HPBOSE 10th, 12th Term 1 Results Update: Class 10th and class 12th Term 1 results have been released by the Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education (HPBOSE) on their official website. Candidates can see their results at hpbose.org, the official website.
Here's the direct link to check the class 10th result
Here's the direct link to check the class 12th result
In September, the HPBOSE class 10th and 12th Term 1 test was conducted. This year, there were a combined total of 104363 candidates for the class 12th test and 90896 candidates for the class 10th exam.
HPBOSE Term 1 result: How to check?
We have given you the instructions and a direct link to check the mark sheet for the convenience of the students. Follow the steps given below.
Visit the official website at hpbose.org
On the homepage, click on the results tab
Next, click on the result link
Key in your login details
Your result will be displayed on the screen
Download the HPBOSE 12th term 1 Marksheet. Take a printout of the same for further reference.
Students must double-check all information on the HPBOSE term 1 result 2023. The board will soon hold term 2 exams after the release of the HPBOSE term 1 results.