The preliminary datesheet for Classes 8, 10, and 12 has been announced by the HPBOSE, the Himachal Pradesh Board of Secondary Education. The date sheets are available for download from the official website, hpbose.org, as of January 6, 2023.
According to the schedule, the HPBOSE Board Exam for Class 8 will start on March 8 and finish on March 24. While the HPBOSE Board Exam Class 12 will start on March 10 and run through March 31, the HPBOSE Board Exam Class 10 will start on March 11 and run through March 31, 2023.
HPBOSE Board Exam 2023 Dates
Class 8: 11-March to 24-March
Class 10: 11-March to 31-March
Class 12: 10-March to 31-March
HPBOSE Class 8 2023 TimeTable
Date |
Subject |
11-Mar |
Hindi |
13-Mar |
English |
15-Mar |
Science |
17-Mar |
Sanskrit |
20-Mar |
Social Science |
22-Mar |
Maths |
24-Mar |
Arts, Home Science |
HPBOSE Class 10 2023 TimeTable
Date |
Regular |
Open School |
11-Mar |
Hindi |
Hindi |
13-Mar |
Maths |
Maths |
15-Mar |
Sanskrit, Urdu, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu |
Sanskrit, Urdu, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu |
17-Mar |
Social Science |
Social Science |
20-Mar |
English |
English |
22-Mar |
Arts, NSQF subjects |
Arts, NSQF subjects |
24-Mar |
Science |
Science |
25-Mar |
Home Science |
Home Science |
27-Mar |
Computer Science |
Computer Science |
28-Mar |
Music |
29-Mar |
Instrumental Music |
31-Mar |
Financial Literacy |
Financial Literacy |
HPBOSE Class 12 2023 TimeTable
Date |
Regular |
Open School |
11-Mar |
English |
13-Mar |
Psychology |
Psychology |
14-Mar |
Economics |
Economics |
15-Mar |
Financial Literacy Chemistry |
Financial Literacy Chemistry |
16-Mar |
Chemistry, Hindi |
Chemistry, Hindi |
17-Mar |
Philosophy, French/Urdu |
Philosophy, French/Urdu |
18-Mar |
Political Science |
Political Science |
20-Mar |
Public Administration |
Public Administration |
21-Mar |
Accountancy, Physics |
Accountancy, Physics |
22-Mar |
Geography |
Geography |
23-Mar |
Sanskrit |
Sanskrit |
24-Mar |
Biology, Business Studies, History |
Biology, Business Studies, History |
25-Mar |
Sociology |
Sociology |
27-Mar |
Human Ecology and Family Science |
Human Ecology and Family Science |
28-Mar |
Mathematics |
Mathematics |
29-Mar |
Dance, Fine Arts, and Applied Arts |
31-Mar |
PE, Yoga, Computer Science, NSQF |
PE, Yoga, Computer Science, NSQF |
Music (Hindustani Vocal, Instrumental Melodic, and Percussion |
HPBOSE Board Exam Date Sheet 2023: How to download?
Visit the official website – hpbose.org
Then click on the examination tab and select the date sheet
The tentative date sheet link for Class 8, 10, and 12 will be displayed
Click and download the date sheet
Go through the date sheet
The tests for HSOS will be held from 1.45 pm to 5 pm, while the exams for regular candidates will be held from 8.45 am to 12 noon.