The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has issued the admit cards for the 2024 Probationary Officers (PO) preliminary examination. Candidates who have applied for the recruitment exam can now download their hall tickets from the official IBPS website at ibps.in. The preliminary examination is set to take place on October 19 and 20, 2024.
The link to download the admit card has been activated on 11th October 2024. Applicants can access their hall tickets by entering their registration or roll number, along with their password or date of birth. The admit card contains crucial details such as the exact date, time, and venue of the examination. This year's IBPS PO exam is being conducted to fill 4,455 vacancies for the role of Probationary Officer/Management Trainee.
It is mandatory for all candidates to carry their admit cards to the examination center, as they will not be allowed to enter without this document.
Steps to Download the IBPS PO Admit Card:
Visit the official IBPS website: ibps.in
Navigate to "CRP-PO/MTs" and select "Common Recruitment Process for Probationary Officer/Management Trainee-XIV."
Click on "Online Preliminary Examination Call Letter for IBPS PO/MTs-XIV."
Enter your registration number or roll number, along with your password/date of birth, and the captcha code.
Save the admit card to your device or print it for future reference.
Direct Link to IBPS PO Prelims Admit Card 2024
Candidates are advised to regularly check the IBPS website for any updates and ensure they download their admit cards well before the exam date to avoid last-minute issues.