The National Testing Agency (NTA) is likely to announce the Indian Council of Agricultural Research All India Entrance Examination for Admissions or ICAR AIEEA Result 2019 today – 17th July 2019. Yesterday NTA had released the final answer key for the AIEEA UG, PG and Ph.D examinations after considering the challenges received. Candidates can check the answer keys as well as the ICAR AIEEA results at the following websites - ntaicar.nic.in and nta.ac.in.
How to check ICAR Result 2019
Candidates must follow the steps given below to check their results:
Step 1 - Open the official website of NTA - nta.ac.in or ntaicar.nic.in.
Step 2 - In the homepage of the website, click on the link that says ICAR AIEEA 2019 result.
Step 3 - A new window will open on the screen.
Step 4 - Enter your registration number along with password and click submit
Step 5 – Your result will be displayed on the screen.

The ICAR result will be based on the final answer key that was released a day before (16th July 2019). Students who clear the exam will be called for counselling sessions. The counselling schedule will be released soon after the result is declared.
All India Entrance Examination for Admissions exam is conducted by Indian Council of Agricultural Research for admissions to UG and PG programs in 75 agricultural universities across the country. The ICAR AU system comprises 64 State Agricultural, Veterinary, Horticultural & Fisheries Universities (SAUs), four ICAR-DUs, viz. IARI, IVRI, NDRI and CIFE, three Central Agricultural Universities (CAU, Imphal, Dr. RPCAU, Pusa & RLB CAU, Jhansi), four Central Universities (CUs) with Faculty of Agriculture (BHU, AMU, Viswa Bharati and Nagaland University).
As many as 15,000 graduates, 11,000 postgraduate & 2,500 PhD seats are filled through AIEEA every year. Earlier, ICAR used to conduct the AIEEA exam, however this year, the entrance exam has been conducted by the National Testing Agency.
For more details visit the official website of ICAR NTA.