Father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi believed that if villages in the country are developed then India will also be developed. Sometime back the AICTE held a conference on the similar theme in which all the technical institution, NGOs and the social agencies presented their views wherein the Krishi Jagran also presented its viewpoint on the development of villages to develop the nation.
On 26th January 2019, you are going to witness the dream of Gandhi ji`s Smart Village on the Rajpath in the shape of the ICAR Tableau.
In 2014 when Narendra Modi took over as the Prime Minister his first social mission was to adopt a village every year by all the MPs may be of Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. Totaling to more than 1100 villages multiplying 5 years comes to 5500 villages. Modi ji himself adopted the village and developed as per his vision.

What is smart village?
The village having access to sustainable energy services acts as a catalyst for development – enabling the provision of good education and healthcare, access to clean water, sanitation and nutrition, the growth of productive enterprises to boost incomes, and enhanced security, gender equality and democratic engagement. Unfortunately it is a fact that, in the world today, 1.3 billion people remain without access to electricity. In addition, 3 billion are still cooking on dangerous and inefficient stoves. Many of them live in remote rural village communities. Until such communities have access to modern energy services, little progress can be made to develop their economies and improve their lives.
In "The Mind of Mahatma Gandhi: He says that if we could have electricity in every village home, I should not mind villagers plying their implements and tools, with the help of electricity. But then the village communities or the State would own power-houses just as they have their grazing pastures. But where there is no electricity and no machinery, what are idle hands to do.
I regard the existence of power wheels for the grinding of corn in thousands of villages as the limit of our helplessness. I suppose India does not produce all the engines or grinding machines..... The planting of such machinery and engines on a large scale in villages is also a sign of greed. Is it proper to fill one's pocket in this manner at the expense of the poor? Every such machinery puts thousands of hand-CHAKKIS out of work and takes away employment from thousand of housewives and artisans who make these CHAKKIS.

Moreover, the process is infective and will spread to every village industry. The decay of the latter spells too the decay of art. If it meant replacement of old crafts by new ones, one might not have much to say against it. But this is not what is happening. In the thousands of villages where power machinery exists, one misses the sweet music, in the early morning, of the grinders at work.
So as the theme of the Tableau that Gandhi Ji Ke Gaon me on the basis of the Smart Village What it will be. Guess it and wait for the Day to see on the Rajpath.......