Aquaculture has gained a momentum throughout the world during recent decades which is unparalleled in other branches of food production. Many species of fish are consumed as food in virtually all regions around the world.
In India also apart from farming, the alternate sources for increasing the farmer income is the mission of the Government. Recently ICAR-Directorate of Cold Water Fisheries Research (DCFR), Bhimtal organized a Kisan Mela cum Scientists-Officers-Farmers Interactive Meet at its Experimental Fish Farm & Field Centre, Champawat, Uttarakhand .
Dr. Ahmed Iqbal, IAS, District Magistrate, Champawat and Shri. Prakash Tiwary, Chairman, Nagar Panchayat, Champawat inaugurated the snow-trout hatchery at the farm along with other dignitaries while graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and Guest of Honor respectively.
On this occasion Dr. Debajit Sarma, Director, DCFR handed over Fish Pond Soil Health Card and fish seed to the farmers. A leaflet in Hindi and rainbow trout starter feed prepared by ICAR_DCFR was also released.
During the interaction issues raised by the farmers for increasing their farming income were addressed. Technical knowhow regarding the problem faced by the farmers were addressed by the scientists of DCFR.
More than 250 delegates including 200 fish farmers’ participated in the Kisan Mela. The farmers were enthusiastic and participated actively in getting knowledge and skill for improvement of hill aquaculture management practices in their respective villages.
A large number of officers from different development departments in the region, academicians, public representatives, fisheries officers, representatives from SSB and ITBP participated in the event.