Intelligence Bureau (IB), a premier internal security agency under the Ministry of Home Affairs, is looking for promising, dedicated, energetic young Graduate Indian Nationals with brilliant academic records in any of the years 2020 or 2021, or 2022 to join the organization as assistant central intelligence officer - Grade-ii/ Tech in disciplines of Computer Science & Information Technology | Electronics & Communication.
IB Recruitment 2022: Vacancy Details
Computer Science & Information Technology |
56 |
Electronics & Communication
94 |
IB Recruitment 2022: Essential Qualification
Candidates must possess a valid GATE scorecard of GATE 2020 or 2021 or 2022 in Electronics & Communication (GATE code: EC) or Computer Science & Information Technology (GATE code: CS) along with:
B.E or B.Tech in the fields of: Electronics or Electronics & Telecommunication or Electronics & Communication or Electrical & Electronics or Information Technology or Computer Science or Computer Engineering or Computer Science & Engineering; from a Government recognized University/College/Institute. Or
Master’s Degree in Science with Electronics or Physics with Electronics or Electronics & Communication or Computer Science; or Master’s Degree in Computer Applications; from a Government recognized University/College/Institute.
IB Recruitment 2022: Age Limit
Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST & by 3 years for OBC.
Upper age limit is relaxable for departmental candidates’ upto 40 years of age who have rendered 3 years of regular and continuous service.
The age limit is relaxable up to age of 35 years for general candidates and up to 40 years for SC/ST in case of widows, divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands and not remarried.
IB Recruitment 2022: Pay Scale
Level 7 (Rs.44,900-1,42,400) in the pay matrix plus admissible Central Govt. allowances.
(i) Special Security Allowance @ 20% of basic pay in addition to other Govt. allowances.
(ii) Cash compensation in lieu of duty performed on holidays subject to a ceiling of 30 days.
IB Recruitment 2022: Fee
Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred only). Only male candidates belonging to General, EWS and OBC category are required to pay the fee. All SC/ST candidates, female candidates and Ex-Servicemen are exempted from payment of examination fee.
How To Apply for IB Recruitment 2022?
Applications should be submitted only through ONLINE registration by logging on to the website www.mha.gov.in or www.ncs.gov.in. Applications will NOT be accepted through any other mode. Candidates can apply for the post provided they fulfill the prescribed eligibility conditions. The application portal will be operational from 16.04.22 to 07.05.22 (till 2359 hrs). Registration done prior to 16.04.22 & after 07.05.22 will not be accepted.
For More Information, Check Official Notification.