The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of India is a statutory public agency established under the Protection of Human Rights Ordinance of September 28, 1993 on October 12, 1993. The Protection of Human Rights Act of 1993 gave it legal status (PHRA).
The National Human Rights Commission of India (NHRC) is in charge of protecting and promoting human rights, which are defined by the Act as "Rights Relating to Life, Liberty, Equality, and Dignity of the Individual Guaranteed by the Constitution or embodied in International Covenants and enforceable by Indian courts."
The NHRC Internship Program
Section 12 (h) of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993, specifically mandates the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) to promote Human Rights literacy and knowledge.
Since 1998, the Commission has held regular Internship Programs to raise awareness among university students about the importance of human rights protection and promotion.
Program: Online Short-Term Internship Program (OSTI) June 2022
Duration: June 20, 2022, to July 4, 2022 (15 days)
NHRC Internship Eligibility
Applicants from all throughout the country are encouraged to apply. The following are the eligibility and selection criteria:
Students in the third and subsequent years of a five-year integrated PG program.
Students in their third/final year of a bachelor's degree program
Students enrolled in any post-graduate degree program in any semester or year
Students enrolled in any post-graduate diploma course in any semester or year
Students who are research scholars in any field are eligible to apply.
Students with research potential in human rights-related fields will be given priority (to be indicated in the write-up).
Students must have continuously received a minimum of 60% in Class XII and all following courses, including the ones they are currently pursuing. The computed percentage, as well as the formula for the percentage attained, must be stated clearly from their CGPA/SGPA. Failure to accomplish one of these things will result in the application form being rejected.
NHRC Stipend & Award
All student interns who complete the internship successfully will earn a stipend of Rs. 2000/-. (Rupees Two Thousand only)
Candidates will be granted a certificate of participation based on the following criteria:
Attendance, Punctuality, Discipline, and participation in online sessions are all required;
Project Presentations and Reports, as well as Book Reviews, must be submitted on time.
How to Apply?
The deadline to submit the application is June 5, 2022. (11:59 PM).
At the link 'Online Short-Term Internship,' you may find the 'Application Form' for the NHRC Online Short-Term Internship Program June 2022. The application must be filed online through the NHRC's website using the link Online Short-Term Internship.
Click on the link given at the end of this post to apply online.
On the NHRC website, the final list of chosen interns will be posted.
Important Note: Applications that are incomplete or do not include self-attested copies of mark sheets, letters of recommendation, and SOPs will be rejected. Applications made through e-mail or postal mail will not be considered. After the deadline, on June 5, 2022, no applications will be accepted (11:59 PM).
Documents Required
Applications that do not include the following information will be automatically rejected:
Statement of Purpose (SoP): Applicants will be asked to submit a 250-word write-up on the topic of "Statement of Purpose (SoP) for joining NHRC Online Short-Term Internship" together with the online application form, which will also serve as a foundation of selection.
Marksheets: Include self-attested scanned copies of all mark sheets from 12th grade onwards, as well as mark sheets for each year/semester of the current course.
Recommendation Letter: Scanned Recommendation letter/email by HOD/Dean/Principal Concerned in the annexed Proforma.