Krishi Jagaran/Agriculture World, the largest agriculture media house nationwide, recently registered in the Limca Book of Records. Now Krishi Jagranhas accomplished another achievement, it (Krishi Jagran) has been certified by the ISO. It is a proud moment for Krishi Jagaran to obtain ISO certification. Krishi Jagaran is a leading media house serving in the agriculture and rural areas.
The company has been certified by ISO 9001: 2015 (Quality Management System), ISO 14001: 2015 (Environment Management System) and OHSAS (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) 18001: 2007.

On the occasion of the celebration of the ISO certification, Dr R.B. Singh, Vice Chancellor, Central Agricultural University, Dr S.P. Mohanty, Chairman & Managing Director (CMD), HIL India Limited and Mr Navin Chaudhary Chief Marketing Officer, IFFCO Kisan were also present.
In the presence of these three veterans of the agriculture sector, the three ISO certificates received for Krishi Jagaran got unveiled. At this joyous moment, Dr R. B. Singh said: "Krishi Jagran, who is working at grass root level for the farmers, is required to get such certification."

He further added that relinquishing the information of the modern technologies to the farmer is a great responsibility, which is being followed with the agriculture awareness by Krishi Jagran. The strengthening of the farmers in present time is quite a challenge. He said that it is very important for women also to come in the field of agriculture. This will encourage women empowerment and inspire other people as well in the agricultural sector.
Dr S.P. Mohanty and Navin Chaudhary also shared their views. Chief Editor of Krishi Jagaran Mr M.C. Dominic welcomed the guests who came and shared their views with them. The whole team of Krishi Jagran was present at this memorable moment.