How to link your Aadhaar Card with LPG?
Link Aadhaar with LPG Connection – By Online, Offline, SMS & Post
India is the second largest domestic LPG consumer in the world, where nearly 80 percent households use an LPG connection. One of the main reasons for its popularity is that the LPG connection is subsidised by the government.
How to get LPG subsidy?
If you are among the ones who are using an LPG connection, then you can get the subsidy directly into your bank account by linking Aadhaar to your connection. There are various ways in which you can link your Aadhaar to your LPG connection. You can simply do so through a distributor, by making a call, by IVRS or even by sending an SMS.
It is to be noted that linking of Aadhaar with LPG connection is mandatory to receive the benefit of LPG subsidy. Follow the below options to link your Aadhaar Card with LPG connection & take the benefit of LPG subsidy.
How to link your Aadhaar Card with LPG connection?
Link Aadhaar to LPG connection by online mode:
Step one: Go to the website @ https://rasf.uidai.gov.in/seeding/User/ResidentSelfSeedingpds.aspx and fill the required details.
Step two: Choose the Benefit Type as “LPG” since you want to link your Aadhaar Card to LPG connection. Now mention the Scheme Name as per your LPG connection, like, “BPCL” for Bharat Gas connections & “IOCL” for Indane connections.
Step three: Now, choose the Distributor name from the list provided
Step four: Enter your LPG consumer number.
Step five: Fill your mobile number, email address & Aadhaar number before hitting the “Submit” icon.
Step six: After clicking on submit, you will receive an OTP on your registered mobile number & email ID.
Step seven: Enter & submit it to complete the process.
Step eight: After your request is successfully registered, the details provided will be verified by the officers.
Step nine: Once the details are verified, the notification will be sent to your registered mobile number & email ID.
How to link your Aadhaar card with LPG connection through distributor?
If you want to link Aadhar to LPG, then the application can be submitted to the distributor by the following steps:
Step 1: Subsidy application form can easily be downloaded by the respective websites of Bharat Gas, Indane, HP Gas or other LPG provider.
Step 2: Take a print out of the form, fill all the necessary information.
Step 3: Got to the nearest LPG distributor office
Step 4: Submit your duly filled application form
How to link Aadhaar with LPG connection via call centre?
You can simply link your Aadhaar with LPG connection by calling on call centre number at 18000-2333-555. Then, follow the instructions provided by the operator.
Method to Link Aadhaar-Gas connection by post:
First, download the required form from an official website. Then, fill it in before submitting it along with the required enclosures to the address mentioned in the form.
Link Aadhaar number to LPG connection by IVRS:
Interactive Voice Response System or IVRS was developed by LPG service providers to help their customers for linking Aadhaar to their LPG connection. It can be noted that, every district has a different IVRS & customers can get the number for their respective district from the list given by the company.
Indane Gas customers:
Indane gas customers can link their Aadhaar to LPG connection by going official website of Indane @ http://indane.co.in/sms_ivrs.php. Now, find out your District Number before calling the number & then, follow the instructions by the operator.
Bharat Gas customers:
These customers can link Aadhaar Card to their LPG connection by going official website of Bharat Gas @ www.ebharatgas.com/pages/Customer_Care/CC_IVRSInfo.html. Then, call the IVRS number on the website & follow the instructions to complete the process.
HP Gas customers:
They can link their Aadhaar Card to LPG connection by going on official website of HP Gas @ www.hindustanpetroleum.com/hpanytime. Now, call the IVRS number & follow the instructions.
How to link your Aadhaar to LPG connection through SMS?
The method is very simple. You only need to send an SMS to your LPG service provider. First, get yourself registered with your mobile number with your LPG distributor. Now, send an SMS from your registered mobile number.
Indane consumers can find the SMS number here: http://www.hindustanpetroleum.com/hpanytime
Bharat Gas consumers can send an SMS to- 57333 (All India), 52725 (Vodafone, MTNL, Idea, Airtel & Tata users)